The Day I Accepted Aluminum

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

My brother had been listening to Art Bell since they both were young men. I have never been much of a night owl so I had never heard of him. When Bell starting exposing chemtrails my brother told my husband and I about it, I am fairly sure we rolled our eyes and changed the subject.

It was some ten years later that @longsilver and I happened to have a weekday off together. I don't remember why we were going to Boise but we were driving down the freeway and saw this overhead:


They were not military planes, nor were they commercial flights. They were plain, white jets. Moments after I snapped this they broke formation and fanned out, and we watched as they began to form a grid across the skies overhead. I wish I had snapped more photos but I am honestly surprised I thought to snap this one. (And frankly, stunned that after all these years I stumbled across it!)

We started paying attention after that and noticed that for many years they would spray during "bankers hours" so everyone was at work, and weekend skies were still blue and clear. Now there is a nearly constant haze in the valley, too often extending into our skies here in the mountains.

It would be several more years before we really "red-pilled" and began the long process of unlearning and relearning everything we thought we knew, but this was the exact moment that I first realized I might be a crazy conspiracy theorist. Looking back, I am very grateful that @longsilver was with me that day so we could begin the process together.

How and when did YOU wake up? Are you willing to share your story and have a little fun? Make a little SBD? Please check out the contest that doing this post inspired - "Flaunt Your Foil!" here:




I love Art(since 1997), to bad he went silent again. The chemtrail thing is quit wild. Maybe it has to do with harp? Cheers.

I'm with you on this!! I just mentioned chemtrails in a recent post as well!! You know who else believed in chemtrails? Prince the music artist!! Sad how people are being manipulated and abused by "the elite", corrupt government and dishonest media..take everything with a grain of salt and do just a little research to see the truth!! resteemed!

Thank you! People ARE waking up, there was a time not many years ago that I would have been very careful about how I worded this rather than just spitting out the obvious. Young folks, I understand. People MY age KNOW BETTER! We had planes AND blue skies most of our lives!

I picked up a Nikon P900 today so I could start snapping pics of the planes and using the numbers (if there are any) and tracking them on a flight tracker. I will post a whole bunch of super high quality pictures and videos on here so others can join in too!

There is a tag related to chemtrails, I think it is inthenow but double check that! Hope you will make a nice foil hat and take some pics of that too lol!

Now the contest makes even more sence! I saw 4 or 5 of those streaks the other day. And, have never ever seen them before! Quite surprised to see your photo! (I tried to photo what i saw but it didn't turn out. This pic is all i got the streaks were in and around the tree area of the sky) It is amazing you still have the photo. Nice 💖


Well, it is something I can honestly thank the IRS for. My husband has an external hard drive and every time he does the taxes, he backs up all our pics, too. They ARE good for something - who knew?!

I’m going to need a little explanation here... Chem trails are real (don’t know what they are for but surely have seen them) but how do they relate to aluminum hats?

Do my dolls need hats too?

Well, particulate aluminum is one of the things they are spraying us with. Mostly it is a joke about how many things I have been called a "tin hatter" over. I am not any kind of "theorist" I am a researcher. I discover many facts that the general public has not been told. I do my best to inform others, so I get called a LOT of unflattering things. "Tin hats" are a mark of superior intellect and good humor in my estimation!

It turns out I’m a tin hatter too. I like being called a tree hugger too. The first time someone called me that I paused and smiled. I’d never thought about hugging trees until it was used as an insult against me.

PS. Not all trees like getting hugged.

Lol! I am literally a tree hugger too but when that one phhoto contest went by I SO wanted to go out and take a picture of me grabbing the end of a branch and shaking it up and down. It was too cold and snowy, I never got around to it. I was going to caption it "I am in Idaho, tree huggers get shot so I just shook its hand."
(And most Idahoans are not really like that, but stereotypes are great for humor!)

I just dont understand the point or goal of chem trails? Also these evil big timers have to live somewhere too. And, the thing that really gets me is when it comes to all the shenanigans of gov, big pharma, pedo, etc, what can we do? Seems reporting is the only action and these psycos could wipe us all out at anytime...

Just my 2cents and questions. Really enjoy your blog

There have been some recent revelations as to what is going on. The fluoride in the water supplies is the "final ingredient" in the toxic soup. "They" don't drink tap water, and they do eat organic food, and they know to do heavy metal detoxes. They don't really need ALL of us dead, just 95%, the other 5% needs to be smart enough to make a decent servant and stupid enough to serve happily.
Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks to 9/11 there are some very good mainstream data about the effects of vapor trails on surface temperatures, they change surface temperatures significantly.

Yep, they spray the sky almost daily here in northeast Kansas. It is hard for me to believe that so many do not see it and wonder what the heck is going on.

Here's an old post by me on this topic:

Thank you for your efforts at spreading accurate information! Yes, that interview is deeply disturbing, mostly because NO ONE HAS GONE TO JAIL.
I began bitching about pedophiles running the world about 10 years ago now, after watching "Conspiracy of Silence." THAT is the "tin hat" story that desperately needs accepted by the masses, and soon.

Thank you for your inquisitiveness @fishyculture! We need to be looking at reality from all sides. :-)

I don't know where I stand on it besides that I can't change much and don't won't to worry about it :)

You don't drink fluoridated water do you? That is the one serious thing you can do.

I don't. Everything goes through a filter. Actually, all together 3 filters...

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