Former CIA Bureaucrat Andy Cooper Critiques Trump Conspiracy Theories Then Ironically Has Former Military Bureaucrat Spouting Trump Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory Without Evidence, This Typifies How Fake News Helps Continues Status Quo Injustices

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

This segment helps highlight how they continue endless pointless wars and the drug war where they got nearly 1% of us in Murca behind bars-- many for victimless conduct. And for over 2 months now they have successufully silenced one of the few actual journalists of our time Julian Assange from the public sphere. Unlike Clearly Not News, Assange doesn't have wild unjustified speculation as its raison d etre, but instead just publishes primary source documents.

In the conspiracy theory video above at about 4min 20 sec, ironically Cooper starts with feeding the talking head one of his previous quotes:

"Fox News is assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law, while fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia among viewers"

After that quote, and after a ton of other unfounded assertions about Trump acting lawlessly and attacking the Constitution, at about 8min 4sec Peters asserts without evidence:

"I am convinced that Vladimir Putin has a grip on President Trump"

Peters then goes on to cite the Steele dossier--which has yet to be verified and Buzzfeed may be facing legal sanctions over it's authenticity. Peters then asserts Trump attacking NATO by making members pay for their defense is being a puppet for Putin.

This kind of evidenceless ipse dixit conspiracy theory nonsense taking up the mainstream news airways typifies why the rulers never have to discuss the real issue of our time like poverty, pointless wars and tyrannical incarceration. So it goes.


Perfect propaganda: CNN's hit piece accusing Fox News of being propaganda. Similar to the DNC with all their shady connections in Russia, trying to convince the world that Vladimir Putin "has a grip" on President Trump!

Looks to me like Trump has a GRIP on Putin!


Yea it's an interesting world. I think it is ridiculous the extent the Russia Collusion theory has been discussed without any good evidence. This typifies why things are so bad that they can get away with such poor speculative evidenceless reporting.

When it comes to MSM, I genuinely have no expectations; the bar is that low as far as reporting actual, factual news is concerned

yea it's pretty bad, but shouldn't be a surrprise. How else would we be fighting constant pointless wars and have nearly 1% of Murcans behind bars, many for victimless conduct?

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What do you think about pizzagate, and Trump indicting almost 20,000 people for pedophilia, collusion, and blackmail? I think Putin, as well as the other BRICS leaders are trying to take down the US federal reserve and its filthy Rothchild USD's control over the entire world. What do you think?

I have heard that there may be a lot of sealed indictments. I was unaware there were 20,000 more than whatever the norm is--or at least that is a publicly known fact yet? I have heard there are theories about a a pizza shop but I haven't heard that there were undeniable facts against them other than some claiming there may have been weird stuff on their servers--but I lack the resources to evaluate and investigate that and it sounds like only in the past those claims could be verified? And even hypothetically if that were true, that doesnt prove someone was doing something wrong other than whoever was running the domain assuming it wasnt hacked? --which with some of the CIA hacking tools perhaps wouldnt be tough? To my knowledge Podesta never explained some of the weird language in his emails. As for Pedogate, it seems like the Catholic Church and other institutions where people leave their kids with weird nominally celibate adults and finding sad results. It sounds like pedos can get to the top levels of society as we see with the stories about Jimmy Saville and Dennis Hastert. And ultiamtely child rapers and murders are probably one of the most if not hated groups in many if not most human societies, so if I wanted to have dirt on someone important and use them like my personal tool having good evidence of them raping and murdering kid would be pretty good.

I have not investigated the Rotchild's and any possible ties to USD/ Federal Reserve. I think cryptos are likely to transform central banks. Looking at Venezuela and Sweden looking at mixing coercion with digital currency it looks like central banks may be moving to a more decentralized cashless society. To the extent that distributed ledger systems are non interfered with by arbitrary states, they may ultimely lead to a death of inflation and a completely different evaluation and pricing in socities globally. But who knows the hedge against inflation aspects may be changed subject to how state regulations affect the market--but the hedge against inflation aspect may force central banks to change--but how much will depend on the central banks ability to increase costs of non inflation full central bank money. Ultiamtely though can't blockchains have inflation? I really don't know a ton about all this stuff.

What do you think about all the questions you asked me?

When it comes to searching all the pedogate stuff, I feel that the evidence has surmounted any amount of possible doubt. You can just search youtube and you will find an incredible amount of evidence against podesta and thousands of people of the like (and I know youtube is not a credible source, but once I see thousands of corroborating testimonies of adults and children that could've never known eachother, I start to become convinced, and that's all I can say to the skeptic on that). Try the evidence from the story of David Seaman, who was fired from Huffington Post and has head attempts at his life after reporting on this news. I don't think innocent people would hear a false story about themselves and try to kill the perpetrator...innocent people don't do that type of activity. And unless even the death wishes all these disclosers have recieved have been a part of a greater cover-up, like you allude to, I can't believe anything else.
As far as the crypto knowledge, you already have more info than me and have expanded my knowledge, which was mostly what I was looking for. Thanks for the wonderful reply!

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