Researchers Turn To Online Communities To Study Conspiracy Theories

Researchers from Virginia Tech were recently interested in analyzing various conspiracy theories and they turned to investigating online communities in order to do it.

They wanted to evaluate online conspiracy theories and discussions in various online communities and from their work they ultimately had the goal of creating strategies that might help to counter conspiracy theories following unexpected and traumatic events.

One area that they focused on was looking through posts on the conspiracy section of Reddit and they analyzed more than 6 million comments across 10 years of discussion for that forum.

They were looking to see how discussions went shortly after a traumatic event took place, what does the community look like before and after etc.

Following terror events and other traumatic incidents the researchers noted that they observed a huge influx of new users to conspiracy platforms...

Could it be because people know that they cannot trust mainstream media or the government to always tell them the truth about the event? Many new users will instead go searching for the truth online to find out what they might not be telling the public.

The researchers insist that they aren't attempting to stop discussion surrounding conspiracy theories and they admitted that some conspiracy theories are so persistent that they will never go away, regardless of what “evidence” critics might present to contradict what the theory proposes.

Overall, the researchers observed a deep mistrust of power and traditional narratives for those engaging in the online conspiracy communities.

People increasingly don't believe top news organizations to be unbiased in telling them about what's going on in the world, many know that they aren't getting the full story and they are ready to go looking elsewhere to find that information.

pic 1 - G. Varvara Shutterstock via VOX
pic 2 - H. McKay for Reuters via PRI

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Or could all the new users be that MSM paid-trolls go forth and flood the boards of unsuspecting conspiracy theorist sites?

😂😂😂😂😂 i'm sure that's it

🙋❤ Aweeome post @doitvoluntarily ! the news twists things to suit their own beliefs and political parties they are in favor of all the the time and stopped watching them , especially FOX NEWS Omg the worst!!
Loved what you wrote here , I totally agree!!:
🙋People increasingly don't believe top news organizations to be unbiased in telling them about what's going on in the world, many know that they aren't getting the full story and they are ready to go looking elsewhere to find that information.
👍 Keep up the great work my friend! upped earlier now resteemed!

thanks for stopping by again karen! u still getting snow?

Your welcome 👍😊 It stopped snowing but got clear and very cold, it's -10 right now! Brrrrrrrrrr!❄️🌬️

Posted using Partiko Android

stopped watching them years ago too! lol

Haha, agreed! They are so biased! And have a real hate on for Trump too.😉

Posted using Partiko Android

they sure offer a lot of expensive publicity time to someone they supposedly hate 😜😂😂👍 it's also a good money maker for them seeing as the customers who consume their media want to hear anti-trump stories 👍👍they're all clowns.

'unexpected and traumatic events.' ie - shock trauma therapy using crisis actors and their control of 24/7 media to create events that keep people in fear, and unable to see the truth of the world they inhabit.

it works, for the most part, but a small section of us know sandy hook, boston bombing, 9/11, 7/7, in fact all western 'terrorist' events are staged, despite being called all names under the sun for not believing anything the corrupt and murderous government ever tells us.

the researchers hamstring themselves by starting out a priori with an unshakeable faith that people who do their own investigating instead of taking the words of known serial liars are wrong.

but hey, it is written we will always be a small remnant, while the whole world wonders after the beast..

Researchers always love researching all their live

Actually the word conspiracy is a C.I.A. invention from
JFK days to create a "think tank" sponsered by millions of dollers
from the manipulaters to ridicule TRUTH.
And as you can see and feel, they did a pretty good job.
Thats why we became "Truth Seeker" or whatever kinda of
Box they try to put you in...
Thats why it's better to stay out of boxes, be yourself and
talk about what you resonate with.... overstand ;)

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