9/11 and I still do not believe a word of the official explanation. TIN FOIL HAT ON!

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

I know talking about this grates on some peoples nerves, so just consider the younger people, that do not know.


Knowledge is king.

Just because you know it was all made up, does not mean everyone does, and just because you want to move on does not mean everyone else has to shut up - nobody should stop helping younger people that do not know - gain knowledge, and learn truth, just because you find it old hat.
So if that is you, do a U-TURN and go & read something else instead. Or better still make a post outlining a better future and how it can be achieved, set it out and put it on the blockchain, I have done this post in the past, you try it.
With "them" out of the way, let us continue.


The big con.

For the younger crowd on here, you may or may not know that 9-11 was the event that woke a million people up, there was very low energy or appetite in America for war, or for people to send their children off to fight more wars in the middle east for oil, and something had to be done to get people to want more war, not just more, endless more like, enter centre stage 9-11, though the day before also has a lot of relevance, it was the day 2.3 trillion was announced "missing" via the pentagon.
You want a source? allow me You can even find videos regarding this if you look.

If you could make up a ridiculous story, this one was it, you see the office investigating this money disappearing was moved to the pentagon a few days before it was hit with a (cough cough) aeroplane. And all records were errm sort of lost, no worries, investigation over.

Paul Joseph Goebbels - quote, the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.

I will tell you something my mother told me last year, in world war 2, there was little appetite for war also, so Winston Churchill asked people to take down their metal fences and gates in their gardens, to contribute to the war effort, those that did not were shamed by their neighbours as being unpatriotic, she states "the government never needed, wanted or used the metal" it is a psychological con trick you see, like 9-11.


With 9-11 you just follow the money.

I want you to want to know what went on, me just telling you is not going to help, I want you to want it so bad you go and look, research "lucky Larry Silverstein" research the fact the towers were full of asbestos and needing to be taken down, research how long Lucky Larry had the lease for the twin towers, and his increasing of insurance money by billions, research his buddies in New York. Go at it like a madman or woman.

I am also aware some of you do not like videos, well u-turn time for you also.

There was a curious case of some Israelis on 9-11, that stated, after being "arrested" that they went to document the event (how did they know it was gong to happen?) and they stated this on live tv in Israel, after they were released, now I need you to watch two videos for my evidence.
You may note neither of these videos are mine, or my suggestions.
17 minutes and 51 seconds long. VIDEO 1.

Self incrimination anyone?


There was also a very curious tv report I watched, stating no aeroplane parts found, at the pentagon.

Do not just take my word for it, allow me to show you, what I watched live on tv.

I hope I have wet your appetite, have a fantastic week, if you want more just ask.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates



Images courtesy of pixabay.



A must read book for those that wish to understand what actually happened on 9/11

Superb comment, pics and links, thanks my friend.

Glad you're addressing the younger people. Since most of them escaped much of the media-led psy-op , hopefully they can examine the facts with an uncontaminated brain.

I will contribute to this effort by challenging anybody to answer these two questions about the Pentagon "attack":

How is it possible that a plane which is a hollow aluminum tube can crash into a building with steel-reinforced walls, totally disappear inside that building and not leave any wreckage?

How can the opening that the plane supposedly made in that building when it crashed possibly be narrower than the wingspan of that plane?

If anybody can come up with answers that are consistent with the laws of physics and the actual forensic evidence (or lack thereof), my hat off to them.

There isn't any evidence that a plane crashed into the Pentagon.

You mean the media and the government actually LIED to us?

I will add a 100 sbd bounty to that also, and 100 steem.

Here in Charlotte there was a push to boycott a city counsil member bc she questions 9/11 by saying where is the plain in DC attack. A protest over this last week and not over bombing syria. Ohh, all those who have learned how to breathe sand being their heads so long baried.

What about Yemen? and all the other places being invaded at the moment, where are the protestors for this? I guess there are none eh, sad times.

Back in 2001 within a month everything was fully exposed online.

I took my own 911 webpage down in 2006 saying anyone who hasn't grasped this in five years is retarded :)

But that is just it, it is not about us, it is about the people that were 3 4 5 or 6 years old at the time, we can not just assume they know what we know, if we never tell them what we know my friend.

A different subject...sort of...

Have you read this?


Let me know if you'd like a copy emailing, I just got a copy and it looks interesting

Oh go on then, cheers my friend, do you say cheers over there? as you are sort of related I would guess you do, though if I am wrong feel free to slap me about a bit. [email protected]

On it's way - let me know what you think - its a bit huge but covers a lot

That is superb thank you, I shall read it tomorrow night as I am off to bed soon, and have a shit load of planting food to do tomorrow along with churning soil and pretending I know what the fuck I am doing living on a farm. :-)

Recently, I've been engaging strangers and classmates, even a teacher, about 9/11 truth... Every now and then someone will say "Oh, yeah, didn't like 3 buildings fall?"... ;)

WT7, and now you "know" you need to know more. allow me.

I know about building 7, I was just pointing out the cognitive dissonance that these people could have the facts, they can even acknowledge and realize these facts but it does not change their worldview or belief system... They don't give a damn!... You really have to hold these people's hands.. but I appreciate the video anyways, thank you ;)

Thanks my friend, let us keep waking them up one by one, keep up the good efforts.

9/11 was a false flag operation.

Agreed 100% my friend M.

I think the blatant false flag and coverup here with 9/11 will serve for many in the mainstream as a means to wake up to the greater deception. They will look at this 9/11 issue and all the red flags and ask themselves huh, what else has the government lied to me about and what other lies have I been force fed. This could be that initial push so many are needing!
Well done to keep this topic in the news!

Cheers my friend. I keep bringing old events up and keep them in the "now" as it would be arrogant of me to assume younger readers know what I know, especially when some of them may be too young to have witnessed the 911 farce.

Yes very true, especially in today’s age when peopeystop thinking critically and logically .

The masses are so dumbed down these days; you can take them by the hand outside, point upwards at the chemtrails (for instance) and they'll respond with... "You're nuts...those are clouds"

You can blame that on shockingly bad education standards from the government and "parents" It is time for us as parents to do a damn better job. Cheers bro.

Yep and a big part of that belief comes from the way predictive programming and subliminal messaging has been used to normalise geoengineering for the younger generations. They simply accept aluminum clouds as normal.


So true....

Yeah those that didn’t join the war were even jailed and labelled traitors to their country. They wage wars in their comfy chairs at home and let other die for them.

Sad though very true my friend.

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