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RE: Trump IS Playing 4D Chess After All...

in #conspiracy5 years ago

thank God for that - i thought i was going to have leave a bunch of sarcastic comments; great post.

all of this should show how absolutely malleable the human mind is, and every individual should check every single piece of information they hold about the world and see if it actually holds water or is it just another psy op on us to make us think a certain way about the world.


truth levels.jpg


I do not comprehend this stack of "levels of truth"
They each have truths and falsehoods in them.

only for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand.

Dude thinks that NASA is lying to the world, about the shape of the world, like a good husband.

If you look at all the information that NASA puts out, it is the only conclusion you can come to.

no honey you're not a toros, space bending illusion that looks like a flat plane, you're a slightly oblate sphere

So tell me again how a world wide conspiracy exists to make us think that the shape of the world is not actually an illusion of the inside of some toroid "reality".. and there's still not one whistleblower or evidence for except that "these YouTube videos from Africa don't look right" and of course, the evidence you hold, that the sun doesn't fall behind the horizon, nor raises from behind it, it simply appears at the opposite end, instantaneously (I imagine?).

'all of this should show how absolutely malleable the human mind is.'

Yeah, reality is just a dream and so nothing really matters or is as it seems, good is bad and because some people believe batshit crazy shit, that shows how the human mind works or it's constitution.


But the human mind is so malleable, cunt you see?

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