
I imagine almost everyone is vulnerable, that's what I've suspected for years.. But.. Thanks for the link I'll check it out.

Kind of. Sadly, possibly helpful for some. If you are reading these comments and the video above helped open your eye a little, seriously, take an hour or two and watch Snowden or just stop going online

I've not really had an expectation of privacy myself and that doesn't bother me a whole lot though the data mining by governments of personal info is a bit worrying, I think it's fascinating either way that it's becoming more accepted as common knowledge though due to wikileaks.

I wonder what people will do, try to demand more strict controls and privacy or just kinda go full idiocracy reality tv type of shit. Time will tell.. I was thinking it would be blood in the streets, but I'm more and more thinking it'll be hot pockets and tv. Murica! Fck yeah.

I am hopeful American's rather sleep than get hurt. And I believe most humans would actually. Everyone should go watch Idiocracy after they watch Snowden lol.

It stinks how I just assume things on your computer or phone can be accessed, have that mindset at all times until it's just how you understand things. If you want to believe that any one company is strong enough to withstand hacking, just stop being silly and realize it has been the government snooping the whole time and it's not good, but it's not the end times yet either. I hope not.

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