So pretty much all of our phones and computers and TV's are listening to us I guess...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy8 years ago

I think the power structure is probably getting a lil bit scared.. This internet was a double edged sword indeed. I kinda doubt they wanna go live underground for however many years..

I think this new wikileaks stuff that's showing how virtually all of our devices are bugs, is great. Whether they wanted that information out there ot not.. I've been saying this for years. And.. This is one reason why I use Facebook and other social media the way I do, I'm not trying to hide.. I'm actually in a sense.. Posting stuff on a regular basis that I hope some intelligence agency individual sees.

I hope they either have a change of heart and see how wrong what they are a part of is, or that they start to become scared as to just how many of us are waking up to the corruption, and.. Of course where that leads.. To all of those complicit.

I think the powers that be are doing massive damage control.. They are severely trying to shape public impression, almost TOO desperately. And now.. We're learning so much, we're learning that pretty much.. All of the majorly famous and powerful people are probably on a team, that we are not on. And usually.. When the larger population, the less calm ones than me discover this.. Blood runs in the streets.

I think there is going to be a conflict during my lifetime, probably sooner than later with the power structure, they can't keep doing what they are doing and getting away with it like they have been.. Things are either going to get better or worse.

I don't think there will be a way to avoid some kind of civil war or violence, because.. Too many corrupt people need to be punished, and those protecting them, all the way down to the Hollywood entertainers who are providing a smokescreen for them.. People need to pick sides soon, and I mean this in the sense of all of you people in secret societies. You need to decide if you're on the side of love and freedom, or if you're with the predators in control.

Remember.. I'm one of the calm ones.. When the less calm ones really fully awaken to all of this corrupt shit, and it seems to only be a matter of time.. Shit is going to hit the fan.

They just can't keep all of this contained anymore.. I think we're nearing a breaking point soon. Maybe in 10 years or more or less, I don't know.. But I feel like.. There is an amount of people growing who refuse to take a part in all this bull shit, and we have more information than ever to show us where to target and who to suspect.

Hell..Many of these people practically openly admit it, they put their symbols all over the place.

What would they do without their bully government to protect them? How could they leech off the people like so?

Things need to change people in control. I think you know. Only time will tell how it plays out, I hope we can do it peacefully and we can put you all through a court system and have the people decide your fate, but.. I'm pretty certain you aren't going down that easy. You're going to fight. And.. It's not going to be pretty.

If any agents are reading this.. I'm sure you've seen some of the kind of stuff I've seen.. As I said, I'm one of the calm more peaceful ones trying to reach a peaceful solution.. Many of these people are not so calm or peaceful, you know the militias have been growing INCREDIBLY since 9/11.. NOT since Obama, that's bullshit. It's been since 9/11. And perhaps even earlier around the time of the OKC bombing, when the same douches put through their pre Patriot act the Anti Terrorism bill. Yeah.. This has been building a while. But especially after 9/11.

Many of us no longer buy your lies, we are more skeptical than ever, and we can see a desperate attempt to control information being displayed. You're so paranoid.. Pretty much all of our phones and computers and tv's and maybe more are listening to us and maybe even watching.. You think that's freedom? When did we consent? You're invading our private property. Not cool. Be prepared, pick your side. Freedom and love? Or the predators in power? Not sure if there's another option outside of just trying to stay out of it.

I know which side I'm on. And if any of you are having second thoughts, the sooner you reject the predators the better. Start speaking out against the corruption and maybe you can redeem yourself and be on the right side of history. But if you continue to protect these people and endorse them and spread their propaganda and mind control.. You will be a target as well when shit hits the fan. -.-

Once again.. I'd like to stress that I'm not threatening any specific person, and I'm one of the more calm and peaceful ones. However, if things get to a breaking point and if there's some kind of civil war.. We see who many of you are. Especially in the entertainment industry, and in positions of corporate power and elsewhere. Many of you have admitted your allegiance and lines are drawn already.. So don't be surprised when the all seeing eye of providence doesn't give much of a fuck about you passed the point it can use and control you.

I don't really care much if anyone thinks I'm crazy. What's sane? I don't know, but I do know what insane is. The people in power and those protecting them. To keep going along with their plan would be as insane as they are. Please stop to the degree you can. Please resist to the degree you can.

PS I attached a couple links below, one of them is one I think is pretty funny with a guy talking to his computer like it's an intelligence agency person listening to him. ._.

Oh.. Also.. I wanted to mention.. Ever wonder why all the phones and TV's and stuff are so damn cheap and keep improving so rapidly??? Probably because they basically want to track you as much as they can. -.-


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In case anyone needs help to see "How to tell if you are vulnerable to CIA hacking tools" here is a good video

I imagine almost everyone is vulnerable, that's what I've suspected for years.. But.. Thanks for the link I'll check it out.

Kind of. Sadly, possibly helpful for some. If you are reading these comments and the video above helped open your eye a little, seriously, take an hour or two and watch Snowden or just stop going online

I've not really had an expectation of privacy myself and that doesn't bother me a whole lot though the data mining by governments of personal info is a bit worrying, I think it's fascinating either way that it's becoming more accepted as common knowledge though due to wikileaks.

I wonder what people will do, try to demand more strict controls and privacy or just kinda go full idiocracy reality tv type of shit. Time will tell.. I was thinking it would be blood in the streets, but I'm more and more thinking it'll be hot pockets and tv. Murica! Fck yeah.

I am hopeful American's rather sleep than get hurt. And I believe most humans would actually. Everyone should go watch Idiocracy after they watch Snowden lol.

It stinks how I just assume things on your computer or phone can be accessed, have that mindset at all times until it's just how you understand things. If you want to believe that any one company is strong enough to withstand hacking, just stop being silly and realize it has been the government snooping the whole time and it's not good, but it's not the end times yet either. I hope not.

I don't know if all the data you show here is 100% correct, probably some flaws in it but I guess it is fair enough. Now I would say spying on a mainstream level has been going on for much longer than 9/11. There was a program I guess you could call it named Echelon which was supposed to listen in to all communications, phone, radio etc this must have been at least from the 70's, it was supposed to lock into any conversation and would discriminate and tape any conversation that contained certain trigger words.
Of course I can't verify this is true but in those days it was held as one of the ultimate conspiracy theories. This was US and UK government backed, with support from other allied countries.

If you'd like to be specific about anything you think I was wrong about I would be glad to address it and if you're right I'll concede.

In regards to Echelon, I've heard of it before but I never really researched that so I can't speak on it.. But.. I do imagine the spying has been going on as much as they can get away with for as long as the technology has been there.

I think it's probably worse than we know, but at the same time.. It's not like they have enough agents to watch people for no reason, meaning.. They probably pick up keywords kinda like you mentioned and focus on those, however it creates a really big issue in my opinion especially in regards to datamining.. They are probably recording and storing everything, so they could go to any person and go back and watch and listen to them for who knows how long.. It really is a bit too far in regards to privacy concerns in my opinion and I don't think many of the agents can be trusted. They have been caught abusing their power before. This kind of power will likely be abused. And I hope people don't normalize and accept it.

But as everyone know absolute power is absolute corruption, it is very bad for a group of people to have too much power, unfortunately this is what is happening in our times.
I have some doubts in some of your assertions nothing worth mentioning.

Kk. Understood. I have some doubts in some of my assertions as well. Which is why I often say "probably" or "likely" and I try to avoid absolute statements.. Though I admit, lately I am saying some stuff about the secret societies in a sorta absolute way that people who haven't learned what I have definitely have good reason to be skeptical of.. Though learning as much as I've learned, which I can't encapsulate into every post, I think some of these things are pretty overwhelming.. And.. If enough exception is taken, I'm glad to go into more detail on any specific issue, and if I said something in an absolute way I may have been wrong, and will admit it.

Anyways.. I see it's not worth mentioning as you mentioned.. So, I guess that's it for now, thanks for your thoughts again.

Oh and yeah. I agree with your sentiments on absolute power and corruption btw.

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