Reply to Perceptual Flaws.
Hi, I'm going to take a comment section of perceptualflaws and turn it into a blog post as the depth of the context is rare and worthy of anyone's contemplation. I have linked one comment below that this is a reply to and I'll link his blog post below also. He asked me about my views on god.
'There are several different aspects of theism .. are you monotheistic as in the belief of one god? If so you believe in a god but don't trust the pecerpetions or indeed the intent behind mankinds/religions interpretations of what that may mean .. as in the concept is used as a tool of control and subjugation?'
I am a theist by way of entheogens and I also subscribe to panpsychism which all implies that consciousness precedes matter. Having said that, I have no idea what God is or may be. I believe no one has an answer to that although there may be a few who could speculate accurate representations (Kristos and Sophia, IMO). I believe there are those who have used most all religion as a tool of control. I believe the root of that control are archontic entities and, IMO., and experience they are angelic although I completely concede we could be dealing with E.T. or both. The main point to take away from this is that the skeptics are wrong in their assessment of what's happening on this earth at this time (random materialism and solely human). So, then, who are the archons and what are they up to? Well, IMO., this issue is inextricably linked to The Jewish Question as they are the only group of people at the center of this controversy century after century and millennia after millennia, and that's a fact! In my lifetime of searching these issues, i've come to conclude that the cosmology of The Torah is inaccurate and that modern science better describes the cosmos; that the Torah, IMO., clearly describes a flat earth although I've pointed out many times that this God couldn't get across to humanity the shape of the earth(pancake or baseball in any definitive way-another fact), and I view this as inept for a deity. My studies conclude that the history and archeology of the Jews is incorrect and that the Exodus as described is actually impossible; that there was no Grand Solomon Kingdom, and that the Jesus narrative in scripture seems to be manufactured as there are no first-hand accounts. I didn't really know what to make of all of this until I came across Gnostic theology which was like a light going off and it made sense of everything in my mind. Now as to the Demiurge: we can think of it like the old Judaic monotheistic satan serving God's purpose but there is a problem there in my mind. Why would it alter the history and archeology of Jewish history? Why would a 'Jewish' Satan obscure the very foundations of its own religion? This makes no sense! So, to me, although similar in some ways, the truth to me that makes more sense is that the Satan is the Gnostic Demiurge lying and deceiving everyone. This is why the history and archeology don't add up; this is why Christianity and Islam make no sense as they are all machinations of this God's manipulation of humanity; this is why I reject ecumenicalism and especially ecumenical Gnosticism as esoused in Kabbalah and the Arcanum. This makes me a Dualist Gnostic and not a NonDual one although I have no quarrel with Shadow issues needing to be dealt with and such. I am also an incompatibilist and believe we are only acting out some script here and I don't believe we have a soul in any traditional sense; I also hold western philosophy in high esteem and place high value on the faculties of human reason and logic and believe the truth about things can't be known without them but that the truth also transcends these faculties but doesn't blatantly contradict them. I must 100% clarify that I believe the Jewish people to be victims of lying Archons and that they are inherently mind-controlled throughout childhood; that The Kristos was in confrontation with the Rabbis on this very issue among many others. I believe that only LOVE can resolve this issue and in no way do I support violence or bigotry against the Jewish people. We will all have to, though, suffer the end game delusions of these Archons who appear to be setting up a technological prison grid; while also controlling as a foundation every manner of corrupt money supply and along with our perceptual imprisonment will come The Noahide Laws and A JEWISH MESSIAH who will be of mixed German Ashkenazi genetic inheritance. But I'm an Agnostic Gnostic and frame all this within speculation.
I'm sure we do :) my ego was cast on the scrap-heap many years ago, occasionally it attempts to rise again but I beat it back into submission lol .. I'm just very interested in the hidden... it's a lifelong quest and a decision made in childhood. I don't believe any thoughts are wasted and I believe some of us are here to take notes and feed different ideas into the collective psyche. I will never stop learning and although in terms of details I'm more than happy to be corrected on any mistakes I make .. my core beliefs will never change as I've felt them, not researched them :) Likewise on the duplicity front my friend, I see no shred of that in you .. the only thing I knew wasn't true was the comment you made about your limited I.Q, I've been around enough to discern intelligence and deep thought over those that parrot and you're definitely the former .. but you know a wise man always plays a close hand, works people out and I both relate to and respect that.It's my belief that as much as the electromagnetic techno prison that is being built around us is for control it's also about holding us back .. someone/something wants to (as I wrote in part 2) stunt us and keep us here, equally perhaps in the long term and from a spiritual evolutionary process whatever it also has their part to play .. it sometimes feels as though all this is a test. Many people that follow the gnostic teachings believe that because the demiurge was hidden and unaware where his powers have come from he became arrogant/evil/mistaken (depending upon your perception) and believes he is the all-powerful god and both this materialistic creator and his archontic minions stand between us and god, the material and the divine spiritual .. the guards that keep our spiritual consciousness locked within materialism . equally, that could go back to the idea of a divine test.From an entirely different perspective some believe this is an allegorical interpretation of a physical event and from that perspective we go back to the first part of my post with the demiurge as the Annunaki who genetically manipulated us and so became our gods but are the barrier between us and the true god as they have sent us on a sideways evolutionary process. Out of step with creation and like a lost child left to drift through time with little understanding of where we've been or indeed where we're going. From that perspective the archons are their direct bloodlines .. the bloodlines/archontic/demigods that to this day rule over humanity and quite literally feed upon our energy and the fruits of our labour. Others have a perception of an intelligent/archontic energy that for the most part the earth is shielded from but during cycles of precessional change have an increased ability to interact with humanity. Equally, we can also go back to the post I wrote with the archons as some form of intelligent energy leech that is always present and feeds upon the low vibrational resonances of hate and fear and so manipulates us to provide their food. There is also an idea that humanity has actually created its own demons and the collective resonance of hate and fear has somehow manifested itself into an intelligent entity or entities that were born of hate/fear and equally feeds upon them. I could of on but as you know there are thousands of ideas and as such in many ways it's a matter of perception .. I'm interested in hidden threads that are woven through many belief systems, it's as if someone has left a puzzle behind and from an esoteric perspective the truth and indeed intent must always be hidden in plain view, to negate the judgment of natural law by making us willing participants. And yes money is like a religion and a form of control .. like I wrote in the first part: money .. mon ey .. one eye. What I do believe is that hate and cruelty (not as much anger) are an affront to natural law and it's these states of being that keep us locked down by displaying that we are not ready to reach the next level of understanding. Somehow our ascension/evolution (however you perceive it) is found by raising our vibrational frequency and as such is tied to the love in our hearts and our ability to love and indeed forgive our fellow man/woman .. otherwise it just becomes a cycle of hate for hate breeds hate.In terms of logic I hold little credence in the logic of man, indeed is the logic of today the logic of tomorrow? .. who defines logic and indeed is their logic my logic?As much as I appreciate and believe many aspects of the ancient wisdom my spiritual truth is also found within, it's found within my ability to access intuition and higher states of consciousness, the inherent power of the moment (the knowing as opposed to learning) and the vibration of spiritual singularity."Heed these words, you who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own house, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of all treasures. Know thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods." - Oracle of Delphi
Firstly apologies for the delay in replying but I've had friends visiting all over the weekend. We do indeed agree on more than we disagree on :) In terms of consciousness, I agree that it precedes and is separate from matter .. I believe that we are born as pure consciousness and that we devolve (not evolve) to accomodate the perceptual contraints and limitations of the human mind. I believe I have experienced this first hand as during the first few weeks/months of my life I can remember formulating intelligent thought patterns which gradually regressed to standard childhood experience/behaviour, it was as if (at least for the first few weeks/months of life) I still held onto the residues of what had come before my life began .. some may find that a crazy statement but I stand by it 100% and it equally correlates to events that were (at a later date) confirmed by my parents. I think your idea of god existing outside the perceptal capability of man to be a valid one, I like the native American idea of a great spirit for it's simple yet all ecompassing. The idea of man being created in gods image is (I believe) a re-interpretation of the Sumerian (Annunaki) tale of creation .. like I say connecting threads.
I believe religion, money and human psychology are used as tools of division and that they are played with the sublimity of a violin concerto. To me (and from a lifetime of study) I believe this level of knowledge is so profound and the multi-generational quest for control and power so unabated that this has led me to conclude that it's some kind of spiritual war and that can of ties into your perception of the archons etc .. equally it ties into my thoughts relating to threads that run through all these belief systems, at their core many belief systems share similar (oft mixed) ideas and from my understanding of the esoteric this is entirely deliberate for the truth must alays be hidden in plain sight. I have many long running trains of thought that kind of intersect through many of these ideas. I'm 100% with you on the love front and (as I imagine like yourself) due to the life I've led and the experiences I've had, to me that statement holds far more depth than the word would (to some) suggest, I certainly don't mean it in an idealistic hold your breath, hum and hope or the best sense of the word .. love is power, a power that holds the inherant salvation of humanity .. alas in a slight of hand the world is being drained of love, compassion and kindness .. indeed kindness is oft perceived as weakness but in reality it's the lack of it that makes us weak.
I very much appreciate the points you've raised here but I get the feeling you're not chatting with me to have me agree with everything you say so lets play devils advocate, switch things on their head a little bit and expand upon a point made in my previous comment. I'm not saying I 100% agree with the below statements but I feel it valid to explore diferent ideas and perceptions indeed as Aristotle would say "it's the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
So lets for the sake of argument say that in terms of evolution the Neanderthal's were the true inheritors of the earth. Recent breakthroughs have shown them to be kind, caring, family orientated and equally capable of art work .. they appear to have been evolving in a perfect symbiosis with the planet. The Annunaki arrive (the serpent) and genetically manipulate them with their own DNA to create to the homo-sapian .. this is the expulsion from the allegorical Garden of Eden. So here we have the the homo-sapian a crossbreed between the caring family orientated Neanderthal and the (highly intelligent but lacking in empathy and compassion) Annunaki whom (much in the same way we now farm our cattle) used the Neanderthal and indeed their genetically manipulated offspring (us) as a means to an end. Obviously not all the Neanderthal would have been manipulated and so as a species they lived for a number of years .. until humanity ursurped these genuine inheritors of the earth and left them as an obscure memory. The genetic manipulation process has planted a schizsm in the psyche of humanity and removed us from the true path of longer spiritual growth and sent us on a faster process that is out of step with the rest of nature .. indeed when you look around at the way we interact with the world it's almost as if we are a stranger. Due to the synthetic speed of of our evolution, intelligence has outpaced our wisdom to express said intelligence and this has brought us to a moment in time where we are destroying the eco-system for the sake of greed whilst posessing the weaponry to destroy the planet (our home) ten times over. This is akin to setting fire to your own house, sparking a joint and watching it burn down around you .. it is the very definition of insanity. So within this understanding the Annunaki are the Demiurge and they are our creator/manipulator .. their children (the direct bloodlines) are the archons and they rule over us until this day. Before the Annunaki left they gave their children hidden knowledge relating to human psychology and the esoteric as a way to ensure they would always be able to keep control of humanity. The internal darkness of mankind is a direct consequence of our genetic manipulation and today the battle to balance to these dualities light/dark still rages within each of us .. some more than others.
As the elites are a direct bloodline to these serpent gods their imbalance has been exasperated, they are highly intelligent but insane with power and bloodlust, as they have selectively bred with humanity (to secure their powerbase) they have become the projenitors of psychopathy. The techno control grid and the transhumanist agenda we see being built around us is a realisation that these bloodlines are finding it increasingly dfficult to control us and as with their forbears they are once again attempting to manipulate our evolution so they can retain control, I have met some interesting people in my life and (I believe) the above statements are roughly what I believe the elite believe. I will add that I have also argued against that hypothesis.
I am also open to the idea of the Annunaki as a highly advanced (terrestrial) civilisation that practiced an ancient esoteric science (yes you're right many aspects of the old esoteric wisdoms can be directly correlated with our modern scientiic understandings) but at some point there was a power struggle and the dark duality of this science rose to prominance. Within this perception the archons are more akin to your explanation and are entirely seperate entities to the Annunaki (ancient civilisation). Whilst practicing these dark dualities/arts these bloodlines became consumed by the archons and to this day they are manipulating them (through their modern incarnation, which is a sect of Judaism) to fulfill a longterm dark agenda whilst at the same time (literally) feeding upon the low vibrational energy resonances given off through hate/cruelty/war etc .. which kind of goes back to the concept of a vampire i.e blood = energy. These are just a couple of rudimentary explanations, I'm working through many.
In terms of Hancock and his idea of a cataclysm around 11,500 B.C I'm open to that idea, plus it also feeds into the Vedic perception of the Kalpa where they state that humanity reached it's zenith around that time and then fell from grace. Within that understanding we are now climbing up again but the next 100 years or so is fraught with much danger.
I really appreciate the reply perceptuaflaws and your willingness to explore these ideas with openness and courtesy. This reply also warrants a longer response but I've had a day from hades so I'm going to muse on this for a day or two and get back to you:) In the meantime, be well my friend!
Okay, here we go:)
I, too, tend towards the reincarnation idea via experience. But I don't want to repeat my self so I'll link below to my thoughts on it. I'll say here, though, that even if science could confirm reincarnation it still wouldn't tell us anything about the working template of the process.
I'm totally with you that evolution has speeded up and it's consistent that an outside influence could explain the rapid speed of change in the past few hundred years which is out of step as far as I can tell when it comes to normative timescales for evolutionary change.
It's good that you are able to step outside yourself and analyze from multiple perspectives; any truths to be had have to go through this process, IMO. I agree about the elites for multiple reasons with the primary one being the fact that they have no problem funding the enormous cost of policing all their dysfunctional policies with the concomitant dysfunction in society. It must be a staggering amount of money and I've mused it would be cheaper to implement good and healthy policies. They won't and that goes to any person of common sense asking why? Why do they love and fund the dysfunction to the enormous extent that they do?
Yup, I'm well versed in E.T. theory and consider it possible. I just don't know how anyone can know what we're dealing with here if neither angel or alien will show themselves. It leaves it all speculative with differing camps of believers. I just listened to a Christian show recently and they were more prone to the Gnostic angel view and talking against subtle energies and penial gland activation, etc. So the divide between east and west on what the serpent is continues even into these new speculative arenas.
I think Hancock leans towards the latter view that there was some yet unknown race or species or civilization that existed in antiquity which was wiped out in a cataclysm and that we are dealing with their inheritance today. I find this scenario rather ambiguous. Perhaps he's taken this route as a defense mechanism or a balancing act between his allegiance to academia and the often absurd claims of the A NU Age Movement:)
FWIW: here is a really good talk with some of the best in modernity. I just wish I could get them to buy that capitalist exploitation and coercion is, in fact, lowly evolved limbic reptilian functioning, but I suspect I'd have as much luck as Sheldrake does here:)
Hey my friend, I'm back! I'll start where you started and briefly mention the prospect of reincarnation and see how that may tie into the concept of the archons/archontic energy. You've probably heard this idea floating around, but what are your thouhts on the idea that reincarnation is some kind of trap that's been set by the archons to recycle souls and prevent us leaving this physical plain of existence? As with many of these ideas it's highly speculative, but it hinges upon the idea that that the white light we find ourselves drawn towards when we die is a trap that sends our souls straight back to a physical shell and thus keeps us perpetually trapped on earth. From this perspective if we don't enter the white light then we free ourselves from this cycle and are then able to enter the next stage of our journey.
In terms of archontic energy manipulating humanity and feeding upon our low vibrational energies, I'm very open to this idea. Indeed it's my belief that the universe is akin to a fractal and so we have multiple processes both mimicking and eternally refining one another. From this perspective the archons are akin to an intelligent parasite that infects the minds of man in order to obtain their sustainance from the energetic resonances of war, brutality and hatred. To me this seems like a perfectly reasonable possibilty, and I equally feel they could be drawn towards people that in the process of becoming enlightened as a way of impeding said enlightenment. The main thing I'm not sure about is the gnostic idea of the demiurge, indeed this basic concept appears to play out (from different perspectives) across multiple belief systems and religions, so whilst I believe there is certainly something going on I haven't quite put all the puzzle pieces together yet.
That said, by calling the Great Spirit God are religions hiding this idea in front of our faces. Indeed god backwards is dog (the Jackal is also representive of the devil) which from an ancient Egyptian perspective (and I believe this all ties in) would appear to allude to the dog/jackal headed Anubis. Indeed and as you know, Annubis was the very ancient Egyptian/Kemetian god of the underworld (until later interpretations replaced him with Osiris) and again equally the devil (the old jackal) is supposed to reside in the underworld. I also revert back to my belief that they hide evething in plain view so for me this is an interesting idea, equally within the satanic belief system they herald the power of reversal, so the term god could also be an insult to the great spirit .. an insult we have been tricked into using.
In terms of the bible, the reason I don't believe it's all made up is because of their arrogance. Knowing what I know about the practicioners of the dark arts I don't believe they would pass up the opportunity to hide the truth within the biggest and most popular book in the history of humanity. That's not to say it's a literal interpretation but more akin to jumbled, hidden truth and metaphor. Indeed that's why I'm so interested in these similar threads that appear to run through all these belief systems, as they all appear to have been derived from one core foundation.
Please answer at your own leisure, we shall keep this going back and forth as and when we can .. if that's cool with you? I like this exchange of ideas as you have an open mind and have something about you.
Hey, my friend, good job I checked this as your reply didn't come up on my feed! I've been away for a few days so I will sit down over the next couple of days and absorb your words and then get back to you with a reply .. hope you've been well?