The Homestead Life ENTRY to....Say No To Wars And Conflicts Today. J

in #competition7 years ago (edited)

My, @thehomesteadlife entry in the writing competition.


Well thats a challenge if I have ever seen one . What would I do to achieve this goal, should I ever have the power to make it happen. Hmmm let me think....tic tic tic..grind..

Right...this how I would achieve such a goal.

First of all i would pass a law that would deter countries from attacking one another. What would such a law look like . Quite simple really. If a country wants to attack someone I would make it incumbent upon them to adhere to a particular set of guidelines and foot the bill to pay for the following things .

  1. They would be required to rebuild the country in question not to its former state but to a 21st century standard of zero emissions of pollutants (not co2) real pollution. eg. toxic substances like heavy metal and myriad of poisonous chemicals generated by industry and the antiquated method of current industrialised nations.

  2. The country launching the war would also have to pay 5 million dollars to each and every person that had lost a member of their family in the an attack carried out by the country launching the war. As well as the same amount of compensation for the families of their own troops.

  3. A fund would need to be created with 1 million dollars per person "affected" by the war for rehabilitation, be it mental, physical or economic. Families of both the country attacked and their own troops, including the people in surrounding countries, as well as all other country that suffer economic losses regardless of location.

  4. Before the war could be launched an independant group would need to conduct a thorough investigation (payed by the country launching the war) to determine precisely the need, efect,probable outcome,course of unrest,consequences,outside influence, environmental damage, cultural/religious opposition,regional stability and economic motivations.

  5. The country launching the war or ANY corporation in the world would be prohibited from profiting in the reconstruction/rehabilitation of the country to be attacked.

I believe this would be a sufficient method of deterring a county from commencing a war. It would just cost to much. stop a war that is currently in progress you would need to give all parties involved 1 month to cease all hostilities at which time the aforementioned laws would be implemented, however all the costs would be quadrupled if compliance was not achieved.

The method of enforcing these laws would be to make it illegal for any country to buy, sell or trade in any way or form with country failing to comply with the law. Should the county in question still fail to comply, a campaign of personal public shaming of each and ever one of its people on a global scale would be commenced and relentlessly continued until compliance is achieved. Every dirty secret of every individual citizen of the country in question would be publicity placed on display for every man woman and child in the world to readily see at a constant and unrelenting pace.

I believe, no, I know this would result not only preventing wars but also ending currently running wars.

The name of the law would be could : Artical 1. Application for war.

Now...what about civil war...hmmmm let me think again.... tic tic tic...grind

Ok...With civil war the country that is in a state of internal conflict would be banned from receiving weapons or receiving any kind of materials that are required to construct them. A global fund would be necessary to supply funding to create a refugee camp inside a neighbouring country to allow the innocent population to acquire sanctuary. This "camp" would be the equivalent of a small city with all the facilities of a modern city. The country providing this "camp" would be incentivised to do so with large social and economic boosts. These funds could be gathered from previous applications of war or by funds generated by the global community in the form of donation to a non profit organisation (NGO). Any and all persons found to be supplying weapons or the capability of weapon manufacture would face a 100 year or natural term of life prison sentence with hard labour with no parole, or reduction of sentence, or have the option of the death penalty. Any corporation found supplying weapons or the materials to construct weapons will be fined 1 billion dollars and also pay for the construction of the refugee "city" and all upper management will be imprisoned for 100 years or natural term of life with hard labour and no parole, or reduction of sentence, or offered the death penalty.

That should take the sting out of civil war.

Stopping the war on "terror"

Take your right hand raise it above you head and slap the crap out the fool that wants to go to war on a NOUN !

Righto...if you want me to solve the question "whats the meaning of life" that will require a hefty down payment . ; o)

Now... has anyone seen my slippers....



Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Upvote, Resteem and Follow @thehomesteadlife


Great post! Happy weekend to you ⭐️

By Jove...oh wait yer Aussie...Crikey, that's some fair dinkum there mate!

too bad you can't fit all that on bumber stickers

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

lol thank you very much ; o)......but have you seen my slippers ?

lol.... there thay are : o)

there ya go
~smiles fer miles~

did you see who/what won the comp ? check it hmmm do the words rigged come to

Sorry...not in the habit of following dictatorial types so I didn't resteem...I did comment there though....did you see that?

It wouldn't surprise me in the least that this person (who's name I can't recall) somehow managed to balls it all up.

if you just give me his name...rather than sully your own page with his/her/fitb fetid spoor...I'll be happy to have a look...kinda curious how that turned out. glad you did your own post on your ideas...this is the page that needs my honest opinion...and some day I hope to help you do just that ;-)

Hope all is well with you and yours!


EDIT: don't bother with his/her/fitb name...just realized I can go look at my the comments I've made or replies I've recieved on my own page...keep your dream pure!

I'm on the job my friend...just need to go out and tend a few things...I've found the winner announcement page...this is an abject failure be fair...I haven't read the winning submits as of yet.

I'll get back to you on this asap...don't be disheartened friend...there are many many many people in this world who have not yet begun to fight...for peace!

...yeah I know who said that lol ;-)

So I just came from those winning posts for peace. Some good ideas there...all of them yours. ~shakes head~ Not sure it's just one kid desperate to find a way to make a better life for his/her/fitb family...or what. : - /

Some attempt to learn how to communicate with the rest of the world in order to...what? I don't have the time or inclination to see if I can't find if this was done in any other languages...or under other tags.

Not trying to be insensitive to all those involved in the heart of that contest...maybe it's my bias to the English language or western culture...don't like to think so but it is the only language I speak...and these Babblefish translator functions are only as good as the input as far as what ends up being output...I know...I've tried in the past.

Still think your idea is doable...could take a few generations and a lot of politicians and talking heads need a lot of right hands slapping their two faced pusses...'n a few left backhands to press the point to...not do it again.

On another note...nothing concrete here...are you interested in being interviewed on Steemit centric a podcast in the near future? Noth'n heavy, about 15-20 minutes.

Not with me...I'm just helping find interesting content for the interviewer.

Not going to name drop here...can catch a DM in Discord chat sometime if you like...drop a note...yay or nay here...I'll get it.

Oh yeah...this interview would be about you and what you're comfortable in talking about...doesn't have to be the crazy train that peace seems to be stuck on...all these decades.


guess that's a no eh? I'ts all good

see ya around ;)


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