42 SLAVES work for me TODAY...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Believe it or not, I have around 42 slaves work for me in a daily basis... and you might have more of them working for you, or you might have less. Let's be honest, one is indeed too many.



I was looking at Facebook this morning and I saw a friend of ours posted a post about slavery and got me do something about it on this subject. Here is her post...


"What is the value of a human being?
Education level? Social status? A camel? A bottle of beer? R50 for a new slave?
It’s so sick to put a price tag on human life.
There are 21 million enslaved worldwide, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact."

教育程度?社会地位?一头骆驼?一瓶啤酒? R50为一个新的奴隶?

True, believe it or not, according to the International Labour Foundation, there are roughly 21 to 45 million (yes, I mean million with an M) slaves around the world today, that is more than the population of the whole country of Argentina! When there is demand, there will forever be supply. Yes - We need to talk more about it, so that we can do something about it. First of all, we need to know what is slavery? According to International Justice Missions ("IJM"), "Slavery is the use of lies or violence to force another person to work for little or no pay and children as young as 4 years old are being violently exploited as slaves." Below you will see a couple pictures and stats published from varies anti-human trafficking organizations... We need to be aware and be awaken that there is a problem before we can ask ourselves the question "How can I be part of the solution today?" Sad stats, but I hope that can shed you some light.

根据国际劳工基金会的说法,不管你信不信,今天世界上大约有二千万到四千五百万(是的,我的意思是百万,有一个M)奴隶,这比全国的阿根廷人口要多!有需求的时候,永远就有供应。是的 - 我们需要多谈一些,以便我们可以做点事情。首先,我们需要知道什么是奴隶制?根据国际正义团(“IJM”)的说法,“奴隶制是利用谎言或暴力来迫使另一个人工作得很少或者没有工资,年仅4岁的儿童被剧烈地剥削为奴隶”。下面你会看到一些从不同的反贩卖人口组织发布的图片和统计数据...我们需要意识到,并觉醒,有一个问题之前,我们可以问自己一个问题:“我今天如何成为解决方案的一部分?”悲伤的统计,但我希望能给你一些亮光。



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As a community, we CAN do something about it, even though the problem is too big. However, if we can do something about it in daily basis, at least we won't see that number climb up again, if not significantly reduce it. Want to know how many slaves work for you in a daily basis? You can do this test on this website, www.slaveryfootprint.org - There are also immediate actions you can take.



Upvote, Resteem, and do something about it!
We need more people involved and exposed to this darkness!

Stephen @stepbie ~ Follow us! :) ~
February 3, 2018
(Isaiah 41:17)

To know more about what IJM do, please visit their website at https://www.ijm.org/

To see our introduction post, please go here:

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