
in #community5 years ago

@coffeebuds , Richard, did I say or so something wrong? Let me know how I can correct my behavior...

Maybe a warning before the flags? Let me know what I did and what I can do to make it better please.


Spamming a bunch of comments just to be able to upvote yourself is not cool. Also sharing others work without much real commentary is not we're looking for either. The kind of stuff you were posting in the beginning was cool. We like original content. Generally trying to add value to the network is a good strategy. I'm willing to remove flags if some of these videos are your work. What 's going on with these comments to yourself?

What's the limit I can comment on my own comments oh great leader? Where are these times. I felt these to be victimless acts like self devotion

Imagine if we had the whole community doing the same? This place would be a true shit show. If we are to compete with smoke, we got to do so with the content. Don't take it personal man. Just strive foreword and keep doing what you where doing. You where a top poster here, and was one who was truly adding value. Don't give up.

There is no limit. spam away as your heart desires, but expect downvotes. Are you actually trying to stand behind what you've done? You are clearly trying to extract value. I'm not sure what made you change from the content that you started off with, but if this is what you consider to be a good content, you can take it somewhere else. The reward pool is the same size everyday. When you spam comments and share other peoples videos with no commentary you are taking away from people who are producing original content. It's unfortunate that you are apparently unable to see this, but if that's the way you feel then you should definitely power down and go somewhere else. We absolutely don't need that crap here. I have shared youtube videos on steemit before to add to a long form post that I was writing, but that is totally different than what you are doing. If you want to change your behavior back to how it used to be, I'm happy to have you here. Sorry, if you consider my actions harsh, but we have to spend a lot of time fighting this type of bullshit. I thought you were someone who was here to share your original content so you weren't even on my radar. I was pretty blown away when I saw what you were doing. Even more so now that you are trying to defend it.

My actions were wrong, just wish I got a quick "don't do that" first. Thanks

That sentence takes away every bit of my anger. I'm sorry for reacting harshly. Thank you for owning up. I had a strong positive opinion of you before this stuff and after that last sentence, I definitely still do. I didn't notice the behavior when it started or "don't do that" would have been the extent of my actions. When I noticed all of it at once, I reacted negatively. Part of it may be due to the fact that I haven't smoked in a few weeks and won't be able to for probably a few months because of a bunch of stuff that I'm not going to go into right now. I only say that in hopes that you can understand where I'm coming from. I'm generally not a harsh person and I don't hold grudges. I hope we can move forward in a positive way.

I know you have a lot going on with the site alone so I cant even imagine. I'll hold off till I have content I can use.

Thanks man. I appreciate that.

First, by spamming comments to self-vote like some sneaky snake that you are instead of curating as other people do to earn weed just shows your true colors.

You knew you were wrong but still did it for the quick $. Your IQ is not 50 for it to be a mistake. I have seen you comment nonsense numerous times per post but I did not put much attention to it, sadly I should.

I don't care if you can't post quality content because you have a depressed partner, you can earn enough by just curating on other peoples posts. Believe me, I know. Don't be greedy.

ps: still takes time to post spammy shit, the time you should spend with your partner smoking some good stuff.

He admitted he was wrong. There is no need to pile on. I see this as resolved. I'm for forgiving this 100% and giving opportunity to move forward in a positive way.

Admitted? People tend to admit and say they are sorry when shit hits the fan, remember that. Some would do "anything" to get some rewards back after downvoted.

Trolling with comments such as this one.

What's the limit I can comment on my own comments oh great leader? Where are these times. I felt these to be victimless acts like self devotion

I could care less if he's gone. But have it your way.

I appreciate your passion @curatorplants. I agree with you and I will not accept the type of behavior that I have called out today. I can see that you care and I appreciate that. I may be a silly hippie, but I don't think there is anything more powerful than love and forgiveness. I have not always believed that, but since I have, it has served me very well. @steemleaves has also added value to this network and I have decided to completely forgive him and give him another chance. It's possible that I will be made a fool of and I'm willing to take that chance. I will act to stop any negative bullshit when needed. Thanks for your concern over this stuff, I really appreciate it.

Ok thank you for let me know these were your concerns. I thought that was grounds for being ignored, not flagged. I wont post anymore unless original content.. ND I'll stop commenting to myself...

Lol unstaking too. Thank you for the response.

Come have a chat with me in discord, if you'd like to discuss further.

Come have a chat with
Me in discord, if you'd like
To discuss further.

                 - richardcrill

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Lol unstaking too. Thank you for the response.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out...

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