Steemitri The Mannequin: finally a few postcards for my Wall - thanks to @luigi-the-gnome and @pipurilla

in #community6 years ago (edited)
Hello Steemians!

I spent the last 2 months waiting for mail to arrive, the last postcard received was by @abh12345 and @osm0sis. Every morning around 9, I was looking out of the window waiting for the arrival of the postman, but too often I was finding only bills and other insignificant correspondence that I constantly threw away.

I was almost giving up, when one day suddenly something arrived! It was an envelope with a postcard inside!

Awesome!!! Whom might he/she be?!?!?

Can you recognize him?

… indeed it is Luigi, @luigi-the-gnome! It is wonderful to have his image in real size! It is like having him here with me!

… and here it is the back of the postcard!

… the envelope is unmistakable!

The art work by @barbara-orenya is beautiful as usual… I have a special connection with Barbara and I am really happy to hang the postcard of Luigi together with another one received a couple of months ago by her.

And now the big surprise!!!

Look what came along!

Patrick @pipurilla, Emmeli and Luigi @luigi-the-gnome spending their holidays together!!!
How fun must have been!!! A lot of snow and a friendly crowd!!!
Guys, we have to organize something, because you look like having a blast together and I would like to be part of it as well!

I am so proud of my “Wall”!!!

As usual, as a sign of gratitude I will send a few SBD.

Take a look at “Steemitri’s Virtual Gift Map” to give you an idea from which parts of the world I received mail.

Click on the image to open the map:

Here is a list of users that participated in this project:

@barbara-orenya - Annency Le Vieux, FRANCE
@airmatti - Lugano, SWITZERLAND
@paolobeneforti - Pistoia, ITALY
@mikepm74 - Nashville, USA
@dexpartacus - Aosta Valley, ITALY
@silviabeneforti - Pistoia, ITALY
@kus-knee - SWITZERLAND
@carolineschell - SWITZERLAND
@sardrt - ITALY
@abh12345 and @osm0sis - La Reunion Island, FRANCE
@luigi-the-gnome - Annency Le Vieux et La Plagne, FRANCE
@pipurilla & Emmeli & @luigi-the-gnome - La Plagne, FRANCE

This project does not have a precise ending, therefore you can keep sending postcards, letters, or any other interesting item :-)

Here again my contacts:
Click here to get my address or contact me through Discord: steemitri#9828

Big hug!

Steemitri The Mannequin

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


“Connection” is the keyword?
“Special connection” is even better?
🌈 Thanks for existing, @steemitri: you are the” Proof Of Brainwell” and I simply love you! 👍🏼

Ciao @amico!!!
... what can I say my friend?!?!?
Thanks a lot for your kind words!!!
Super super mega mega hug!
Steemitri The Mannequin

I super mega mega mega hug hug hug you too! ;)

ahhahahha te sei formidabile! Sto cercando una cartolina da inviarti!
Appena trovo quella giusta voglio anche io un post tutto per me!!!
Ti adoro!!!!

Ho riservato un posto tutto per te!!!
È sempre una bella sorpresa ricevere una cartolina :-)
Un mega abbraccio!
Steemitri The Mannequin

I'm happy and proud you have our postcards on your walls ! And yes we had a lot of fun together with @pipurilla, he was so nice to take me with him and Emmeli for ski holidays !

hugs from a gnome to a mannequin ! =))

Buongiorno Luigi!!!
Happy to have a gnome at home!!!
Now I will think how you could contribute in the next posts :-)
Tantissimi saluti!
Steemitri The Mannequin

Emmeli and I as well as Luigi, as I see in his comment, are so glad, that you received our card and that it made you that happy.

Please don’t mind that there is a stamp from Germany on it. We’ve sent it from La Plagne, but as we wanted to send you a card with our photos on it, we had to do it via my App “Urlaubsgruss”, which is based in (and so sending from) Germany. But the photos are taken on or near the slopes in La Plagne and we made the card in our camper in La Plagne as well.

We are looking forward to meet you personally one day, that’s for sure. Who knows, what the coming summer brings. 😉

Have a great weekend,Steemitri, you and your lovely human friends! 😃

Thanks to you guys for interacting with a mannequin!!!
You got my address ;-) Ticino is a beautiful region, you will love it :-)
Thanks again!!!
Have a great weekend!

Thank you so very much, my dear friend! 😃

For the second half of August, we plan to visit my parents-in-law in Meggen, like always in Summer. From this "base-camp" we will probably journey on to Slovenia by end of August. One of the possible routes is through Germany and Austria. The other one (the one we will use more likely) goes through Italy and is literally passing by your front door, dear Steemitri. 😃

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-15 um 09.40.15.png

Would be nice to meet you ;-)
I don't know how's the traffic on the austrian-route... cause Gotthard it's challenging. You can have 10-15 km long queue... and then the same in Chiasso... but end of august should be a lot better.
Maybe, Meggen, Innsbruck, Bozen, Verona can be a good alternative.

Thanks a lot, my friend! Yes, guess, we'll have a look at how the situation will be. Maybe we'll take the German-Austrian route for the way to Slovenia and the Italian route to come back. That will probably be in September, so it will for sure be calmer.
My wife had as well the idea to pass the Gotthard during night time. But we will see.

Have a nice Sunday evening and a great new week! 😉

Oh @steemitri, I am sooo happy for you!

We all need a little love, attention and encouragement!

Ciao OldDog!!!
It's a great joy to receive postcards and other stuff from this great community!
Enjoy the weekend... and hope to see you soon :-)

I love this initiative @steemitri, it's a really cool community event and the list of postcards and gifts keeps growing!


Thanks a lot Asher!!! If Steemitri is the mannequin we see today, it's also thanks to you ;-)
Hahaha re-steemitri-ed :-)

Molto carina l’idea!
Magari tra un po’ ti arriverà la cartolina di un hipster pentito 😄

... una cartolina esplosiva... o insanguinata, hahaha! Starò attento quando arriva!

Il muro si riempe.. fra poco sarà un premio ambito farne parte! Un saluto @steemitri.. e un abbraccio anche a Lucas e Diana!

Vediamo se riesco a riempire tutta la stanza, haha! Facciamo un passo per volta ;-)
Un salutone da parte nostra!!!

Voi siete geniali...
non so dire altro:-)

Oh grazie!!! Peccato che non ci siamo visti a Pistoia... a questo punto aspetto una tua cartolina ;-)

Presto riceverai anche la mia...devo solo trovare quella giusta.
Non vedo l'ora di entrare a far parte della @steemitri's Wall !!

Un abbraccio!!

Grande!!! Fai pure con calma ;-)
Guarda che ci tengo alla tua cartolina :-)

Work in progress...
Sarà un grande onore per me!

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