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RE: Introducing: Pow! Pow! #TeamGirlPowa

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Hello, great to see you promoting these amazing steemians and also many minnowsupport members!!

@artsygoddess is an amazing artist and a great curator, she spends much time taking care in crafting her comments and creations, I am proud to support her. Her support of the quiet room in PAL has been amazing up to this point and I have considered her for a shortlist of things to come! Definitely an Up and Comer that's for sure.

@aymen.mazhar I have only just become aware of, but feel like I have known for a while, her work is amazing and in depth, taking into account many deep aspects of humanity we seldom delve into. Topics such as empowerment, enlightenment and operating from liberating enlightened standpoints, very important and interesting stuff. Much philosophy.

@simgirl I have not had much introduction to but have chatting with on occasion on discord, but that just means another exciting steemians content to read on and enjoy. Her latest piece is quite lovely and I will be following her shortly!

The witness is ran by @followbtcnews (who is a southern fellow) and @crimsonclad, who is from a place where we shall not name for fear of bloody retribution. I think it was canada, or alaska. I'm not sure.

But they both run the website and manage a Witness, website and a team that delivers many awesome things. Like.. a mirror for steemit! or a rpc node for anyone looking to build ontop of the steemit blockchain/ecosystem.

I was wondering if you had any community guidelines for girlpower, and my first thought was regarding people who were born male and identify as female, perhaps to the point of having surgery. Where do you draw the line?

As an example I like to prettyup-braid my hair and wear nice sometimes overly presentable clothing, take the effort to smell nice, etc. Take care of others around me while I'm feeling 'happy', be nurturing and so on. Could there be some kind of conditional membership granted based upon gender alignment internally? or what about people who are gender fluid and move from one to the other, or identify as both, either physically or emotionally/internally was my point is all. Likely more to it. I am ignorant as to the specifics of how it should be arranged, but I think some of the above might be worth discussing.

There is much to take onboard with drawing a line such as girlpower or manpower, so I hope you have clear guidelines in place and follow them appropriately!!

Aside from that,

HAVE A GREAT TIME!!! And thanks for sharing the girl powers! Peach for life tho! Peach peach peach hahahaha.

Much love. <3


My only guidlines right now are limited because no problems have arised between members. Much like msp we'll have to learn as we go.

  1. Be as kind as you can manage 2. Be aware when you can't manage to be kind 3. Be aware of others ways of showeing respect 4. Ask first in all things 5. Be honest 6. Be direct about issues 7. Be freee lil birdy freee

As for your personal request I'd have to find a long path to personally trusting you to be thd kind version of Sammo. I'm really sorry and I wish you all the best but I can't trust your intentions.

As for genderfluidity im open to that as long as the person is ooen to feminism and supporting women and allowing them to have a safe space as well.

Like i said, we have straight cis males in there. They have bern upvoting members and showing respect from day one.

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