Come and hangout with us in the Snek server! Start Networking now!

in #community6 years ago

Networking and creating friendships is the first step!

Every Friday we have a casual hangout/Snek-together and it's always FUN!

Starting 11 PM UTC


Hosted by @mandelsage and me, @poeticsnake, The idiotic slithering snek! Whereas most discord shows focus on some aspect of the blockchain, the Snek-together is more about getting to know the people behind the profiles! So one of the very few rules guidelines we have during the show is, no mentioning of blockchain platforms ;P

And otherwise, it doesn't matter what we talk about,
as long as everyone enjoys themselves =)

Everyone is welcome to join! Most of the time Mandel asks a few questions that will allow us all to get to know each other a bit better! You see, when you build an audience the first step is to start networking! This casual hangout can be your first step! And we would welcome you all with open arms!

Starting 11 PM UTC

We would love to welcome you to our community on Discord! We believe that working together and supporting each other is the BEST thing you can do. Building an audience is hard work but doing it together makes it way more fun! The discord channel is created to network! Make new friends, find cool people to work with and make your Whaleshares journey complete! Come and say hi and you will get a warm welcome!

Every Monday, we also have a show where you can share your post and tell us all about it!

Click HERE to join us on Discord

We are already on the voice chat so feel free to drop in already! We hope to see you there!


Sadly my Friday night involved getting home from work, eating tea and falling asleep for 12 hours solid - been a busy few weeks.

Fridays are always busy, but I will definitely check out your new start of the week show.

#thealliance #witness

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