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RE: Steemit - Anti-Bullying Self-Defense

in #community7 years ago

Thank you kindly, @ajdohmen, both for your upvote as well as your feedback. :c)

I have to admit that this is not the final word on counter-bullying measures. I was contemplating posting a suggestion today but it'll have to wait until tomorrow (as I got caught up in an alternative, more philosophical post being written up right now).

While mention of gang-bullying was certainly made under the 'sadistic bully' category, you are correct in saying that defense against multiple bullies is going to be a trickier endeavor. Of course... 5 large bullies suffering 5 streams of lost followers is still going to leave a very sour taste in their mouths.

One thing that I'll need to respectfully disagree on is the notion that a user's followers are likely to sympathize with that user being a jerk. Yes, some will agree with his disagreement of his views - and some among these might let that cloud their judgment. Others will see more clearly.

After all, a lot of those followers do so for the content that a user posts, not for that user's abusive behavior in comments and abusive flags.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this matter. I really wasn't expecting such a strong response. :c)

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