Introducing The Talented @yanes94 From Venezuela: Post Earnings To Be Donated

in #community7 years ago (edited)

I'd love to introduce @yanes94. She's a caring, generous and upbeat young women living in Venezuela who has the most amazing drawing ability.

It was through her drawings that I met @yanes94. She selflessly offered to draw a picture of me, my wife and our animals as a surprise present for my wife. She sent drafts to me and worked industriously to get something that would make a lovely gift. The final product was posted here.

The final product


The original

I got to know her a little in the process of working on the drawing and my admiration of her positive outlook on life in the face of the horrible hyperinflation that her country is suffering at the moment renewed as sense of humanity and compassion in me that I'd not felt in many years.

She shared some of her life with me which she said I could mention online. She's a mother of two and one of seven living at home trying to make a living day by day in the face of impossibly currency collapse. Gone is the family food business of two decades which she used to love working for.

Prices rise every day and she makes a living with her drawings on Steemit. What an amazing thing to be able to say and another success story for this platform. It would be my great privilege to donate the earnings of this post to her and her family for not only producing a wonderful drawing for us but for showing such strength in the face of adversity.

At the moment in Venezuela people have generally lost a lot of weight as food is scarce and expensive. Salary payments just don't cover the basics of life. In particular, the internet in Venezuela is very poor and restricts her ability to post her drawings online.

Despite living day to day, she was spirited enough to simply say to me that other people have it worse. We could certainly do with a lot more of that kind of attitude in the world.

Here's her most recent work "Emma Frost"

... and another one I particularly like, Harley Quinn

She says up most of the night working on her drawings so that they can be posted to steemit. When leaving work one afternoon, she said she was just starting her next drawing. It was about 1:30am for her. That's an amazing devotion to supporting her family. I think a good upvote in support of @yanes94 would be well placed. Why not check out her work and follow if you find it appealing.

Thanks for your support and charity!


Hello @nolnocluap! First, I'm very grateful.

I am happy to have met you since you are a very valuable person, I feel that of all the drawings I have made here in steemit, this drawing is one of the most special, it was incredible for me to have done it! I had the pleasure of knowing a little about you and your wife and it seems incredible to me the kind of person you are, I like what you do for her and how you show her each day that she is the most important thing for you! I really admire you, men like you are an example to follow for society.

you are a simple, kind, nice person I like to be in Steemit since I met him I fell in love, he helps me a lot with money for me and my family, but being here and seeing quality publications seems incredible to me.

I think this sensation is weird! It should not be strange because what I read is a bit of my life, I feel many emotions reading your publication, talking a little about what my life is here in Steemit and outside of it, again I am very grateful to you. That you have taken a little of your time to do it is very special, much more valuable than everything else.

That is amazing art work! I love drawing too! Hope for her she can help a lot of people with steemit <3

Dear friend! Next time also use #artzone and follow @artzone to get an upvote on your quality posts!

Feel real 👍
Visit my account 🙏


Nice post nolnocluap please keep posting stuff like this, there are many things that i have learned from your posts :)

you can check my article about Economic Food Design and give me your feedback!

My article Economic Food Design

Awesome post! I invite you to visit our blog and vote us back! And of course to enjoy our content :)

Dear friend! Next time also use #artzone and follow @artzone to get an upvote on your quality posts!

Wow an amazing talent there, cracking art 💯🐒

Excelentes obras, se ve cuanto corazon le pone a lo que hace, muchos exitos!

Si tienes tiempo me gustaria que visitaras mi blog, saludos!

Muchas gracias cariño por tu comentario.

@yanes94's artwork is fantastic. I am following her now. The people in Venezuela have such an impossible life right now I can't understand how they are surviving day to day with no food, no medicines, no basics of life.
@yanes94 did a fantastic portrait for you! It was a very special gift for your wife.

Life in Venezuela is difficult and we have no guarantee that in the future the thing will change, but in my case thanks to Steemit we survive in my home but many have worse things, children and grandparents eat from the garbage, it is painful but always with optimism and faith that one day this will change, let's hope it does not take so long for that day to arrive.

Thanks @cecicastor for your comment and for following me.

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