The FairCosa Foundation - Removing Obstacles to Success

in #community6 years ago

I'd like to introduce a project near to my heart - the FairCosa Foundation. We are a new nonprofit, founded by Matthew and myself. We really hope to change the world, and know that we can do it one person at a time. This is the first in a series of FairCosa Foundation posts to keep you in the loop as to what we are doing, and how we are making a difference. Please resteem to spread the word.


About Us

We believe that everyone deserves a chance to improve their situation. Some people just need a little help clearing the way. The FairCosa Foundation is dedicated to providing a clear path through training, education, and resources for people who have a tough time getting back on their feet. One group that has a particularly difficult time is men and women who have recently been released from prison. The 3 main obstacles to success for people in this situation are housing, employment, and transportation. Our first outreach program aims to solve all three.

The Plan

We are working with the Ohio Department of Corrections to implement in-prison training programs to provide inmates with a valuable skill which they can use upon their release. Once released, reinstated citizens will be eligible to continue their training through an internship at our group home. This means they will have a job AND a place to live as soon as they are released. Because they will be working "from home," transportation is no longer a stumbling block to success. Further, reinstated citizens will be working in an environment designed to motivate and encourage success.

The Future

We have big plans to continue giving people a "hand up" not a "hand out." By clearing the way forward, reinstated citizens will be able to put the mistakes of their past behind them and become responsible community members once again. We plan to assist our veterans in a similar way, helping each person re-acclimate to life as a civilian through training, education, and housing when needed.

FairCosa Foundation Logo.png
We all deserve a future - help us clear the way.

The FairCosa Foundation

email: [email protected]

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Animation By @zord189

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community support

Originally posted by me on WEKU

Good luck

Thanks! We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but we've also got some awesome people in place to make it work. :-D


Leveraging the blockchain top help others and improve life in the future.

Yes! I'm hoping I can at least spread the word. That's my main focus right now. :-)

Looks like you have got your job cut out for you.
Housing is a huge issue for people in and never in prison.

I agree! We plan to implement programs for people in all sorts of situations - not just those coming from prisons - but our first one will start there. Eventually, we will assist veterans, women trying to get out of shelters, homeless folk trying to get off the streets... the list is pretty endless. Both Matthew and I have had experience with trying to reenter society for various reasons, so it's near and dear to us both.

YOu are Good people!

Why, thank you! I certainly try to be. :-D

This is a great idea. What kind of skills do you plan to teach them? Not all kind of businesses can be run from home, but a great many can--from computer-related businesses and cloud-based enterprises to lawn care. Just curious how you plan to implement the skills training and if you have specific sets of skills you're planning to focus on.

Great question! We are going to focus our first program on training people to be freight brokers and dispatchers. Matthew is currently a freight broker, so has extensive experience in that field. It's also an occupation that has no formal education requirement, can be done from home, and doesn't typically require a squeaky clean background.

We're going to begin by providing classes which teach the basics of the transportation industry to inmates, then once they are released we will give them a paid internship where they can learn the hands on pieces of the business.

It's not a program that will work for everyone, but it will certainly provide a great opportunity for those who qualify.

That's an awesome program. There is always a need in the transportation business for those skills. Bravo!

Thanks. I'm looking forward to getting it running!

Good program. Adaptation to new conditions is a pledge of the future.

Thank you. It can be so difficult to try and come up by yourself. We plan to be there to help. :-D

@mattifer Such loving souls <3 what inspired y'all to start this? Please share! ((:

Also, upvoted and resteemed!


The whole thing was Matt's idea. You can read a little more about it here. He and I both have 'reentry' stories that make us want to help others in similar situations. Eventually, I'll write the full story - but that's for a little later. For now, I'm just trying to bring awareness to the organization and get the word out. :-D

howdy today mattifer! I read this post earlier in the week but I guess I forgot to comment, anyway it's a wonderful plan and I wish you guys total success with it!

This is insanely awesome 😍
Much respect & appreciation 🙏
Wishing you the best in your Absoulutely BeautyFull Quest ✨

Posted using Partiko Android

Many thanks for your support! :-D

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