Wow 2 years have passed so fast!!! - Happy second anniversary to myself! ๐Ÿฅ‚๐ŸŽŠ

in #community โ€ข 5 years ago (edited)


As @steemitboard remembered me 8 days ago, that I am officially 2 years old on this platform!!

On the 19 of April 2017 I decided to sign up for Steemit after meeting @luzcypher while I was working at the bar of Hostel Rio, a small hostel in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.


@luzcypher has been all over his project #openmic, that at this time was still small enough to play all the entries at the bar and help him choose some winners ;)

Since then a lot of things happened! I went travelling for 5 month, moved to Paris to learn French for another few month, did a lot of Yoga retreats and met some of the coolest, interesting and lovely steemians on my way - joining several MeetUps in Munich, Mexico and Vienna.








On my way I presented a few people to this platform like: @maxi-hopkins @anamena92 @peter2017 @anomadsoul @manncpt @jnmarteau @dianatrejo etc. and I am very proud to see most of them are still successful!

I got 3038 followers, that support me at every step I take here - Thanks to all of you!!!

I became member of the great project @steemitworldmap that just launched its first fundition campaign a few days ago and started working with Yum Leadership that empowers projects like @globalschool on this platform.

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But I think my personal highlight of this 2 years was finally joining the steemfest 3 in Krakow. @roelandp did an incredible job to make this event happen and I hope it will be organized this year as well.

I met so many incredible steemians there and made new friendships! - Really once you guys know where it takes place this year, dont hesitate to join in! It is so much fun and just an unforgettable experience. To see how many people and projects are involved to maintain this great platform we have here, and who is believing in the community and making it grow is just inspiring!

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As you can imagine it is not always easy to travel and blog at the same time!! - I started blogging while working at the bar at hostel Rio in Playa del Carmen and went on doing it doing my travels in trains, hostels and restaurants.




Itยดs not always easy to come back after some time without internet. My computer broke twice too and one of my cameras was stolen...

but I am proud to be still here!! Last year @anniversary told me on my birthday: I am 1 Person together with 12 others still alive out of 182 that started at the same day!!! - I wonder how many of them are still actively here.

For me it is the great community and especially people like @martibis @gtg @freiheit50 @for91days @luzypher @gargon @blocktrades @vieanna @arcange @twinner @livinguktaiwan @choogirl @itchtfeetdonica @mammasitta @roxanne @teamsteem @pharesim @kevinwong @uwelang @detlev @reconnectnature @manncpt @karinxxl @adetorrent @elteamgordo @slowwalker @bitrocker2020 @bubke @abh12345 @homeartpictures @actifit-peter @redpalestino @alexvan @josediccus @lichtblick @travelgirl @steemchiller @vcclothing @acidyo @roadtrips @dvotravels @ivansz @coruscate @shaka @betterthanhome @theaustrianguy @rivalzzz @louis88 @tincho @llfarms @jaki01 and many others that keep me here.

You either continue to make me come back out of curiosity to see what great work you did posting, support me and/or others so much doing great community work and are truly the reason why I am still here writing to all of you right now.

Some of you even became really close friends in my life and I am really grateful for that. This is what I love so much about this platform: THE COMMUNITY and that is also why we are all here and hopefully grow together to keep this platform alive.

Same counts for all the great projects we have at this platform right now and without them we wouldn't be growing as we are. Just to name a few of my favorits: @actifit @cervantes @ocd @steemitworldmap @globalschool @fundition @steemworld @cleanplanet @partiko @curie - Make sure to support them guys so they can continue supporting the community. Never forget that projects like this and also our witnesses are the reason why this platform is working as it is!

I am glad that since last year all of you guys helped me to get in a position to help others as well!! - Before I was trying to support as much newbies as possible at the two contests that @uwelang kindly delegated to me: BeachWednesday and SunThursday and now I am working as member of @steemitworldmap supporting my fellow travelers and reading about their amazing adventures.


The more support we get, the more we can give back!

Want to learn more?

Also my own travels are still not over so you can expect a lot more to come!!! I will of course finish to tell you about my adventures in Thailand with @martibis when we hitchhiked up north visiting temples, exploring the beautiful country side but also got into a terrible scooter accident.

After that I am looking forward to tell you about my travels in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina!




I know.. thats a lot to post about but I promise that it is a lot of great content!! If you like nature, hiking, diving, beaches, jungle, skydive, volcanos, deserts, glaciars, paragliding, waterfalls.......You will love it!!!

So I guess I have spoiled enough now, point is: There is still a lot to fill on my personal map ;)

Click the map to discover my other adventures!

I canยดt wait to tell you about it so stay tuned!!!

So Thanks a lot again for your great support in this past 2 years guys! I love to be part of this community.


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Awesome post! I can't imagine steemit without you any more, Liz! Wherever you will be in the future, we'll stay connected here on this gorgeous platform. I wish you all the best for the next 100 years!

Aww that is so nice to say from you!! - Ich bin froh den Frauendurchschnitt ein wenig heben zu kรถnnen in der Community ;) - For now it seems like I stay in Munich / Vienna for a bit more, so we probably see each other on the next meet up :)

Vienna??? ๐Ÿ’œ

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Yep. Werd wohl in Zukunft รถfter mal vorbeischauen :)


Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @roelandp !! That means a lot to me coming from you!
Keep up the great work and let me know if you need some help :)

Gratuliere :)

Die letzten 2 Jahre waren ja wirklich eine spanende Reise bei dir, so wohl auf steemit als auch sonst :D

Bei mir ist es jetzt dann auch bald soweit mit dem 2jรคhrigen :)

Hoffe auf ein baldiges wiedersehen ;)
Lg Philipp

Hey! Ja, das waren sie wirklich! Hab gesehen du warst auch erst unterwegs! Bist du schon wieder zurรผck?
Ich bin bald mal in Wien vllt schaffen wirs ja dann.

Ja genau, bin aber jetzt eh seit 1 Monat wieder zurรผck ;)

Cool, wรผrd mich freuen :)

That's an amazing anniversary post! Lots of love, pics and a Steemit Who-is-who list in it. And I also learnt some again - great! ๐Ÿ‘
All the best to you!! Steem on ๐Ÿšข

Thanks @roger.remix :) - Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Steemit-anniversary, Liz! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Thanks a lot @pipurilla . I can't believe two years have passed already!

Happy 2 year party to you.

Congrats and Cheers

Hope to meet you soon again somewhere or even next week at the #SteemMeetupAachen

Just figured out, that you might be a good source for some travel info for a Mexico trip....

Im pretty sure we will meet soon in Munich ;) And yes! I am a good source for travels in Mexico. I lived there for 3 years and my job was it to plan other peoples vacation and roundtrips over there ;)

Jooo, here is the plan - wich is not yet really a plan.

Go for 4 weeks in July and August with 2 water loving and diving kids to Mexico. But not for the resorts and the luxury.

Traveling where it is safe, have the sea close by, see some pyramids and a bit jungle - but more relaxing close to the beach.

Letโ€˜s have a call the next days. Might be more easy.

Yes, let me know when you are free :)

Congrats Liz!!!! It's been great having you join the @SteemitWorldmap team! Hopefully we shall meet up one day, I have yet to meet anyone fron the team yet.

Hey @livinguktaiwan! Thanks for your kind words. It is so nice for me to be part of the team!! Yes! It would be nice to meet all of you! - Until now I just know @martibis in person. Maybe the steemfest will be in Thailand and then we can all meet up over there ;)


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Hey @lizanomadsoul, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

Cool!! thanks

Aww happy anniversary!! Two years is a massive milestone!! ๐ŸŽ‰

Thanks @coruscate! Yes, I can't believe it has been 2 years already!! Time flies. - Its a shame we met so late! When did you start here? Maybe we talk some more next steemfest ;)

Just realized I never responded to this!! ๐Ÿ™ˆ My two year will be this summer. It really is such a shame we didnโ€™t cross paths more earlier! We 1000% need to hang more next Steemfest! ๐ŸŽ‰

Yes we should!! Are you in Barcelona on the 17th? I was thinking of going but I think I can't cause I see an apartment on the 18th :/ ... who else is gonna be there?

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