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RE: Damanhur - con te * The 8 Miracle of the World or the amazing art and eco-community in Piedmont, Italy [Part 1]

in #community7 years ago

Wow! Amazing! Damanhur is now on my bucket list of places to visit before I die.


Nice meeting you @lhkent. And thank you for stoping by to read my blog. Oh, I can understand you - I also have a list of places and to be honest Steemit helps it grow bigger and bigger%)) Hehe%) Hope I will have time to visit them all.

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Nice to meet you too. I really like your fun list with the little drawings and colors. Mine's a bit boring.. You gave me an idea :-)

Hehe%)) I am glad to be a source of inspiration%) Usually people are my inspirations%) So it is a rare case for me%)) hehe%) Keep me updated on your idea is you going to post it on Steemit%))

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