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RE: Bots, Rewards Abuse, Spam, Plagiarism—They Aren't The Problem

in #community6 years ago

Quite an interesting collection of observations. One of my father's favorite sayings was that "you cannot change a leopard's spots". I have never forgotten the phrase, though I don't always follow the wisdom behind it as often as I should. From what I can see Steemit is indeed a most interesting experiment, and as you say most definitely one revolving around the very nature of human nature. It is definitely much bigger than it appears on the surface to the casual observer. I shall do my small part to keep it heading in the right direction...


A little too much revolving around human nature if you ask me.

Steemit and its sister apps/platforms are a very interesting experiment, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it. I'd be even more thankful if after nearly two years, things like what I mentioned and others were more a thing of the past, rather than the present.

Sure, there's a "good enough" level that doesn't need to be exceeded out of the chute, but there's also a ready for Prime Time benchmark that needs to be met. There's more work to be done before Steemit gets there I believe, and a lot of it can and should come from the community.

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