Bots, Rewards Abuse, Spam, Plagiarism—They Aren't The Problem

in #community6 years ago

Human Nature Is

It is human nature that causes a reward system—one which could stand an overhaul nonetheless—to malfunction from its stated purpose—reward original, high quality content.
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It is human nature that has led to the creation of every bot conceivable—from Steemit's inception—to do what a human user finds too difficult or nigh impossible to do alone (on one end you have users solely with the desire to just get a post seen and eventually rewarded—on the other end, you have those intentionally and habitually abusing the reward pool).

It is human nature that leads to spam and plagiarism (most of social media outside of Steemit is like this so it carries over, and then, if the content on Steemit isn't regularly seen or rewarded, why bother with originality or quality?). A higher frequency of posts aided by vote and resteem bots becomes a way to overcome what is actually an issue of visibility, not a lack of originality or quality.

It is human nature that leads to reward abuse. There is a greed factor, but there is also the attitude of "get as much as you can for as long as you can," because nothing lasts forever. If the current system changes significantly (each Hard Fork brings that possibility) it could take time to figure out how to make it work again.

It is human nature to justify all of this with, "It's the way it is," or "Everyone does it," or "It's just a game."

It is human nature to take for granted what is given to us for free. The STEEM blockchain is the greatest vehicle for freedom since the U.S. Constitution, with the potential to become the greatest instrument ever for all people and all freedoms—economic, regulatory, societal, you name it. Yet, it gets treated like an ATM filled with monopoly money.

And therein lies the Catch-22, or the Bill & Ted conundrum. Everyone wants STEEM to become a serious, stable digital currency. Well, you can't have a serious, stable digital currency until people treat it like a serious, stable digital currency. But you won't have people treating it as a serious, stable digital currency, apparently, until it is a serious stable digital currency.

So, how in the world is that supposed to happen?

The next Hard Fork could come along and make everything I just wrote a moot point. If it actually overcomes all the human nature running rampant on this platform, it can't come soon enough.

However, wouldn't it be better if it came from us? Wouldn't it be better if we were the change we're looking for? (Not my words, but I think they apply).

As strong as human nature is, I believe human will is stronger. Leopards can't change their spots, but people can change their ways. I'm not saying it's always easy, nor am I saying it will be instant. I'm saying it's possible. However, it's not going to be possible if no one thinks it is, or if no one tries.

So, I'm trying. I know I'm not the only one, and I'm not the first. I've already read some of those posts, so I know it's been going around for some time. There are already individuals and groups coming together to help and support one another, even if it is the harder, longer way.

I can't make anyone do anything, so if you did actually manage to come across this post, decided to read it, and you find yourself agreeing with anything I've said, then it's up to you to determine what you're going to do about it.

And I'm not faulting anyone for anything they're trying to do to make Steemit work for them. How could I? There really aren't any rules here. Those who think there are, and then seek to impose their will on others are more a part of the greater problem as they might be the solution for the smaller one.

You can't abandon the foundational principles of Steemit to save the principles of Steemit. That's what the outside world does, and you know what, it doesn't work there.

I can't see how it will work here, either.


Yeah buddy! Great, great post. Guilty as charged (subject to human nature, needing to exercise stronger human will), I will try to do better.

I'm glad you liked it, but I don't want you feeling "guilty" about anything. You've been doing what you think to be right, and so far, I'd say it's served you well. You certainly don't answer to me or anyone else, anyhoo.

You know me. I've got to be a rabble rouser of some kind, or I'm just not happy. :)

In all seriousness, I'm grateful for all your time, help and consideration.

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I appreciate this very much. Thank you. I do accept this. Please consider me for your compilation post.

Sounds awesome! Btw, that's what I always said, human nature. I'm glad to find more people thinking the same. :)

I agree with you when you say that this is one of the greatest vehicle for freedom, I believe that we should be focusing in Basic Universal Income and also focusing in how can we create a more equal world since the biggest problem we have in our system is that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, we are giving baby steps but we will overcome and get there.

Freedom and abuse of freedom have gone hand in hand trough the history of humanity. Greed is not something we can get rid of and there will always be people willing to trick, scam and fake their way through life. Many people see it as their duty to the market to make the highest earnings they can.

But I think those things can be mitigated on two levels - culture (which I'm trying to be a part of myself) and system regulation (something I don't think most of us have a very big say on).

But I will not hold my breath for a hardfork to make bots obsolete. There is no technical way for the blockchain to distinguish between automated actions and human actions. No censorship and immutableness come with this caveat.

I'm still bullish on the future of the platform and of the culture and community surrounding it. There are a lot of things that are imperfect and expect many things to remain imperfect but such is the world we live in. Perfection is simply not a possibility, especially when many humans are involved ;)

Once again, we're pretty much in agreement. I think it's possible for the community to get together, too, though it's going to take more people being aware that they are apart of the solution and not just bystanders. And there needs to be a common rallying point. Some people are already doing some pretty cool things, even if they're different parts of a solution. Maybe those somehow independently fuse into the answer. (Now that's not a word combination you see everyday—independently fuse. :) )

Quite an interesting collection of observations. One of my father's favorite sayings was that "you cannot change a leopard's spots". I have never forgotten the phrase, though I don't always follow the wisdom behind it as often as I should. From what I can see Steemit is indeed a most interesting experiment, and as you say most definitely one revolving around the very nature of human nature. It is definitely much bigger than it appears on the surface to the casual observer. I shall do my small part to keep it heading in the right direction...

A little too much revolving around human nature if you ask me.

Steemit and its sister apps/platforms are a very interesting experiment, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it. I'd be even more thankful if after nearly two years, things like what I mentioned and others were more a thing of the past, rather than the present.

Sure, there's a "good enough" level that doesn't need to be exceeded out of the chute, but there's also a ready for Prime Time benchmark that needs to be met. There's more work to be done before Steemit gets there I believe, and a lot of it can and should come from the community.

your word are right

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