The Icon Giveaway Has Ended! But The Giving Won't! You Might Be Calling Grow-pro: grOw-prah soon...

in #community7 years ago (edited)


The Icon Giveaway might have ended, but it doesn't stop there...

Hopefully, ​you got a good laugh with my clever cover and word-play, but I'd like to be serious for a moment (if I may).

Since I was invited to Steemit by @finnian, a friend, fellow steemian, and Liberty Professional, I have been looking for ways to add value. I wish to enhance the experience of those around me.

Thanks to another friend, @jackmiller, one of my 'mates of Steemit' that I could not have found otherwise, there is even more opportunity for me to give back to the community. Wait until you see what I mean!

Each tiny action has the ability to set in motion something much greater

As a full-time stay home father of two children and a small-scale tomato farmer (seasonally), I find great reward in nurturing life. Be it plants or people, I thoroughly enjoy nurturing my immediate environment. It's greatly fulfilling to watch something prosper from a simple gesture.

You might recall that I mentioned "synergy" in my giveaway, which is something I feel is worth revisiting. If you are not sure what synergy is or means, here is one (of many definitions):

the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

We synergize with our immediate environment, constantly

I try to improve my environment, so when I came here I decided this Steemit environment is no different than any other. Therefore, I hope to find ways to harness the power of voluntary action. I have some very creative ways that I plan to do that and will begin introducing those next week!


Value is in the eye of beholder...Unless it is undeniable,
of course

Some of you may not see the value in what I am doing, but that is perfectly okay. Many simply do not understand what it is that I am creating - for us. All of us. There is no sense in trying to convince you with words and I completely understand that. So, allow my actions to speak loud and clear. I encourage you to WATCH what I do and SEE how it impacts those around me. I have no doubt in my mind that my actions will speak to many that choose not to hear these words.

I might not be posting daily here on Steemit, but I am surely not idling behind the curtain. I am highly active on discord with several projects that will be introduced very soon. Some will have small, yet meaningful impacts and some will resonate so far beyond what we are able to measure. What do I mean? The value will be undeniable.


I am working on an update POST for my current/ongoing initiatives and also what to expect from @grow-pro this year

I know many of you that have followed me for a little while already think 'this guy is all over the place!' and I completely understand why. It may appear that way, but there is a method to all of my madness. PLEASE bear with me and know that I appreciate all of the support and encouragement.

It truly has helped to propel me in ways that would not be possible without you. Much thanks to all of you readers and friends - you deserve all the glory!


So, also mark my words that THANKS are in order and they are coming - in my own special way... That will make Oprah wish she could do what I do (LOL)

I have a significant amount of content to release and the update post itself will hopefully be out tomorrow! It will be a very important one if you aim to understand what to expect - otherwise, you'll have to see when it happens.

I really am organizing some great ways to engage​ with many more of you, build community, but more importantly - bring various communities together.

I see more value in multiplication than I do in division.

That is a simple sentence that I rattle around in my peanut all day, every day. In a world that seeks to divide us - whether it is political or religious or government authorities - if we are not multiplying, we are being divided. Am I right?



Lookin' forward to seeing some of your ideas and projects unfold here soon! You know I've got your back brother! Lovin' what you are doin'!

I am excited for many, many reasons and it is all unfolding rapidly! Plenty of good to be done and brother, I have a group of people like you so I know in my heart it is something...GOOD. Maybe even Great. Looking forward to making smiles for miles this year @stillwater 😉 And I sure can't do it without you. I'd be out of fuel long ago!!

That's some feel good stuff! :)

So the polls say she will be president!

The polls also said that Hillary shall win!

Then again, lets not get her thinking that she might lose!

Laughed so hard my stomach and face hurts. WOW... Priceless!

If Obama can earn a Nobel Peace Prize, You should get two for this one.. And let's all take a moment to thank the universe that woman never had to "Miley Cyrus" because​ I just don't think the world can handle it. I can't....hahahaha

Comment of the year

To @grow-pro, one of the most creative, stand up, and humble guys on Steemit! I'm glad I met you before your ego gets the best of you (jk). You are on your way to the top my friend! I will be watching...

@superdavey, you better buckle up because you all are coming along!! Wouldn't leave for the moon without you, I promise. Glad you have a good sense of humor 😋 You might have enjoyed mine in the cover image and title. I'll admit that was quite a stretch in the comparison 😂😂😂 Hopefully I can give everyone a car soon, too. Make it to STEEMIT LEVEL: grOw-PRAH
I'm gonna keep dreamin' & Steemin'
Glad our paths aligned!
Stay Awesome

Haha you can hire me to be a large, gross-looking bodyguard that gets first dibs on all the groupies that want sooooo bad to make it backstage to meet the famous grow-pro! 😂


Not quite there yet, but never hurts to plan ahead, right?!

Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.

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