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RE: Shoutouts To Those Who Engage With Me The Most

in #community6 years ago

I think I may have inadvertently responded to this on the other comment. I was working backwards this time through most recent comments first and so just got to this one.

All I know is, value is in the eye of the beholder. And someone, more than just me, is voting on your posts, and, if people don't see value, than they don't have to upvote. There's room for a lot of things here, and to flourish. It's just not going to feel that way until more people are here and sticking around.

As it is, I find more value in any post, yours, mine, whoever's, when there's more than just a picture and a sentence. I think you've been meeting that threshold quite regularly. It's easier for me to come in on the posts that have some kind of history or interesting story attached to them then it is to comment on the posts for the color contests. I would think that at least an equal purpose for those kind of posts would be to enter the contest, and actually help it grow by its mention, as much as it is to get something on the post.

The holier than thou attitude has to go. There are no rules. I don't have nearly as many photos to share as you and many others do, so I'm probably not going to be posting about photos or creating photo essays. Fine. You and others can do it and we'll try together to diversify the subject matter here on the platform.

As it is, you know as well as I, that the amount of words doesn't mean you've said anything at the end of them. So, again, value is in the eye of the beholder.

I don't know how to get around the early distribution, or rewards. I came across a two year old post that received in excess of $1,000 in rewards on it. It wasn't worth anywhere near that, but then, STEEM would have been $0.10 maybe? That would be a $100-plus post now, and in my mind, not many are worth even that. I have experience paying reporters by the piece, though, so I'm probably biased. But by and large, I would include my own work in that assessment, too.

I'm hoping it's not 20 years, either. My only hope would to somehow manage to be a young 72. As it is, I'm looking at 10 years, tops. I don't think that's out of the question. I very much believe it's doable, given what else seems to have value in the crypto space. Institutional money is coming, maybe by the end of the year, but regardless, when that comes, we'll see who the winners and losers are, and we'll also see if we like having that much money and all of the regulation and baggage it brings.

I chalk up buying in as a good thing, if you can do it. If you can't, then time is about the only ally.

The HF may or may not mean much. I think the jury is still out, since the talk about it is now turning toward either a positive or a wash from it being a total negative. I don't think we can know until it's on, functioning, and people are doing their level best to work within it, or workaround it. Every action has a reaction, and those are hard to predict in full.

I'm more interested in seeing what Communities brings to the platform. It has the potential to clean up a lot of things, or at least make it so we can all find something we're comfortable with. It also has the potential to make things worse. If it's sound and we can't make it work, than there's not much hope for anything on platform. SMTs would be the only way, in my mind, to keep STEEM going.


Well, as I predicted

by the time you read this, it will be another day and I will have moved on.

Not sure I've moved on but it's another day and I'm still plodding on and not thinking about the stuff that was getting to me so much.

I see Steem has gone down again this morning so if it keeps going in that direction I'll probably buy some. But . . . at what point do I buy? 😂

When it was going up I said if it got below $1.25 again I'd buy some. But now it's going down I'm wondering if I should wait and see if it goes below $1.

This is why I've missed both the big dips that have happened since I've been here.

Maybe I'll just buy 10 Steem if it drops to $1.25 and take it from there. #😁

Looks like Bithumb is back at it, driving the average price up on significant volume, but the other exchanges aren't going with it, so without Bithumb, it's around a $1.36 or so.

Buying dips has got to be the hardest part. I've come reasonably close a couple of times, and then been way off the rest. I've been told that you just keep buying in increments, more or less like you said, and if it keeps going down, you have more left over to buy and you can adjust the amounts as you go.

I guess there is such a thing as holding too long—holding too long on your fiat that the dip gets missed, and holding on too long to the investment that you miss the moon. :) Wherever that's supposed to be.

Okay, well, no need to continue the other part of the conversation, then. As they say, onward and upward.

Well I don't think we are anywhere near the moon yet @glenalbrethsen so that's an easy one and my main goal is still to build as much steem power as I can anyway.

I think I'm going to with the buying in increments approach and start with 10 Steem when it gets to $1.25.

If it doesn't reach that I'll have to have yet another rethink! 😂

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