What Good is a Band-aid ~ 128 Steem Contest Results

in #community6 years ago (edited)

I started a contest 10 days ago in which I was looking for someone to hopefully change their life. I had plenty of entries but to me, each just seemed like any money given would be a band-aid type fix to their issues or problems.


I wasn't looking to throw a band-aid on a problem, I was looking to make a life-changing gift. We can all use a little money to make our lives easier, myself included. I wasn't trying to make someone's life easier for a few weeks, I stated so in my post for the contest.

I will continue to look through steemit post to find someone I hope I can make a life-changing turn of events for.

I would never power down my steemit account to slap a band-aid on an issue where the person would continue to need money. I'm not looking to support someone with what I have earned in my steemit account. I give away enough and always have since I have been here, giving away more than 50% of what I have earned.

There has been very little change in the lives of those who I have given money to. I am beginning to find giving to the people who are always in need is a losing battle. How hungry can they be if they still have their phone or computer to log into Steemit? I sure as shit know, any and all items I own worth a dollar would be sold to feed my family if things were so bad there was no food for us to eat. Steemit is an easy way to add to one's worth but it should not be income for those who can not live off of less than 1 Steem in votes, posting once or twice per day.

I will throw @anomadsoul under the bus here as he is a prime example of a person who was able to live off of a few Steem per day when he joined and he did it and posted his blog post without begging for money or telling how bad his life or country was, nor in a manner that was basically begging. This was even when Steem was lower than it is now. He has a very large account now and has all of the benefits of the Steem Dream, but he did it with what he had and what he earned here.

Do people have it bad? Yes, I would venture to say that 95% of all Steemit users have it bad and we could all use some extra money to make ends meet. It doesn't mean if we are able to we should not help. Yet people need to stop putting themselves second because they feel sorry for someone.

I am just done putting band-aids on open wounds that need medical attention.

I am still fully willing to help change a life when I see a person that is trying their hardest, telling their story without begging and is in a place and situation where a chunk of Steem will change their lives, not make the next few weeks easier.

I have seen many users feed quite a few people on a few Steem like @dontstopmenow and others.

Thank you to everyone who entered my contest, I will help upvote your accounts here and there. I just did not feel any entries were what I was looking for as far as powering down my account or buying votes.

The current population of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is 32,428,211 as of August 15th, 2018. You guys would do amazingly better to get support if you spent your days signing up more steemit users to create a support circle than trying for votes on a handful of accounts.

I know it sounds harsh but help is as easy as helping others help you. There are enough Steemit users and Steem to allow ALL of you to support yourselves over trying to get the votes for yourselves. Keep signing up your fellow countrymen and do real blogs with writings, music, art and stories. You will be amazed at the support that this community can provide.


Honestly, whoever wants to make a regular earning with Steem... can.

Depending on where people live, and what are they standards they envisage, it can be an earning of little or big impact.

I honestly don’t understand why Venezuelans do not organize on Steem. Especially in such economies every little bit help and community efforts can lead to more.

Thousand people all asking for something, all on their own corner, quickly becomes a nuisance. A group of thousand people showing they are willing to do is difficult to not notice and ignore even. A group, especially here on Steem, can lead to sustainable impact.

Oh btw... times aren’t golden but just by contributing every day (part also “job”)... Steem pays the bills. I definitely don’t make much from it, I’m a small minnow but it works, as long as I do. Just about works. LOL

You are too noble, @erodedthoughts. People willing to solve problems do, they first and foremost do. They have things to show for.

ahh good a follow up. i was expecting it. give a man a fish he will be hungry for a day, give a man fishing rod, he will be hungry in different ways. lol

i mean give a man a burger, and he will be fed for an hour, give a man 3 dollars a day, he will get fat and die(from burgers).

oh no that wasnt what i wanted to meant....
this is
give a man a fish then fillet it for him, he will expect the same the next day... and the next day... and the next. .so on and on...

but this is what i meant really.
give a man a fish he will be fed for a day.
give a man a fishing rod he will be fed for life.
but nowadays its illegal to even FISH (and thats crazy)

so what i suggest is. help a man to realize his passion and he will be content for the rest of his life.

p.s. if governments would do their job correctly everyone would be fed.
no one is running for you with food... but are keen to run for you with a tax bill.

P.s.s. have an awesome day. hope you will find someone who will make full use of those sbd.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

No one can fault your logic. There's no point applying a mask if the face is charred, doesn't really solve the problem, just gives a temporary mask

Actually the money would help me with my life changing penis enlargement surgery since I plan to have it in India where it's very cheap. Thanks for nothing asshole!

Ps: Me and Ruth saw you play a small part in a movie yesterday !

What movie..........lol

Jump to 00:25


You are everywhere?!?!?!??

How hungry can they be if they still have their phone or computer to log into Steemit?

Did you read mine? It's not a post, it's a comment

I am still fully willing to help change a life when I see a person that is trying their hardest, telling their story without begging and is in a place and situation where a chunk of Steem will change their lives, not make the next few weeks easier.

I understand you, which is why I even bothered to comment. You know, some have plans. Plans that would alter their lives forever, but they need to save (gather) first, And Steemit provides the platform for that. You can't live on 1 steem a day in my country (Nigeria), not even if you post three times a day. Steemit has been a massive help to me, for the few months I've been here, and I believe I've earned all I've got. Now I'm about to lose that platform, that access to gathering which is so important to the actualization of my life plans, And that, to me, @erodedthoughts is no band aid problem. For it means losing the brain with which to learn how to catch the fish, not losing the fish itself.

But it's all good, You are awesome!

For context, I'm 25, fresh off uni, And still got a lot of life ahead. Just trying to make something of myself.

To be 100% honest, I stopped reading all of the replies and just looked for links to fresh post. So many just responded and did not follow the post directions.

Yes, true. Me too...

I understand them though, It isn't easy to place one's problems publicly like that... Sometimes desperation and utter need wins out though.

But again like you said, at that point some might just follow your suggestion : sell all that they have privately. Some need help truly, but wouldn't spread those linens out just so as to get it.


There’s an active Nigerian community, with some really good people who can definitely help with a sustainable plan.

It isn’t much but it can contribute and needs be seen as a gateway to bigger and more eyeballs. That’s really what it all is and is all about.

Does one have the potential and desire to do and be discovered by the awesome in the community.

Contests like this one by @erodedthoughts should also lead to that. Otherwise it’s just a charitable effort... a band-aid.

That can only happen if people put in the hard work though.

Agreed and looking at his blog his post have 100% picked up new voters and amounts. People are always looking to help where they can but if no-one speaks, no-one hears.

You could also do a post asking for help getting a new electronic to use for steem. Here is a tablet that is better than an iPad, I own both, so yes it is. It is $79.99 with free shipping.


People are always looking to help where they can

This has been proven time after time in the crypto-world. And online as a matter of fact. GoFundMe still covers emergencies at times.

On Steem it is 300% certain that they who are really in need and provide “evidence” - as little as a photo of urgent (huge) bills - will find help.

I’m absolutely convinced had I posted my medical bill half a year ago that it would have been covered.

More likely more than covered even considering the support we have seen happen on this platform. That even though it was thousands of dollars.

And for hardworking people, with a little bit of rep and also SP, there’s always the bank of neoxian too.

Yeah, 79.99

I wish it was that easy. Things are not always what they seem though. So I do understand.

If you're on discord, I'll appreciate a chat, I'm seesladen over there

$79.99 would be a breeze in a post explaining your story, what you want to do and why you'd need the device.

There are 1 million users, you'd only need 8,000 to give you a penny each. Honestly, you'd probably reach the $80 with just a few dolphin votes. If they can see and feel your passion, it's easy.

I will be honest, I don't know much about your country other than @craig-grant is from there. Show people you're not like him and support should be very easy, he received it for a long time and he is a waste of a human skin.

Pride is the worst of the 7 deadly sins.

Well, who would have thought?

I know these are probably not in your focus of what you want to do and they don't involve steemit but check these out.
You are fresh out of Uni, use that brain to start up a business.

But Most of these (ideas in the article) crossed my mind long before I even heard of Steemit. But as noted in the article, most of them are not low cost ideas.

P.S. I gave context for a bit of understanding. I am willing to work to earn a beginning (even if there are little or no jobs). But hey I can't even get a job just yet, because I'm still running my compulsory service year.

And Steemit provides a head start of sorts. Which is my point, that the head start is being lost.

But I get it if you don't understand, you still got a good heart.

Sometimes I wish brains were all that was needed. Because I do believe I have a good one.

Forming a steemit community within ones specific geographical, cultural, and other related aspects is wise advice, and one that I have seen suggested here on occasion. I've seen a successful example of this pointed to as well (Koreans) They have a very thriving, helpful and complimentary community here on steemit.

I applaud your 'honest' assessment of the 'con' communities from certain parts of the globe using steemit as an attempt to 'sucker' people into parting with their coin, and...your 'posting' about it. I'm almost surprised that you're not already being attacked for it by these 'same' con artists.

One problem in judging, especially 'two or three' of these 'so-called' poor-poor, victimized souls from specific regions, is that the majority of the culprits may not actually reside in those places they claim, and...the 'handful' are posing as another under multiple accounts.

Have a happy day.

It just baffles me when there is an entire country that needs help and there are free tools to help them all, that there are just a few trying to get ahead and leave their fellow countrymen behind.

We also get mixed reports from those living there as to what it takes daily to survive. I always question those who quote the internet as to what the value of things are and what the cost are. I have also seen some video's uploaded from a charity or two asking for money to help feed people and in the video there are street vendors set up selling t-shirts and chips. I don't know how it is around the world in every country but in America if there is a shortage, you best believe that street vendor would be robbed blind and not openly sitting in the middle of town with a setup of goods, while others are starving around them.

I don't mind helping in the least but it makes it hard to give when the stories are not consistent from people within the very same towns. I'd be more likely to feel like giving a guy new shoes who tells us how he does without to feed his kids than those who claim to be starving and without medicine yet are on the internet using social media.

The'cons' will never cease as long as they pay off...Born and raised in a big city, I saw/experienced it all. I've known people who made a fairly good living from 'pan-handling' alone. One guy I knew used to drive his late model Cadillac to Manhattan, park it in a parking garage, then walk a few blocks to his favorite 'begging' spot to squat on the pavement with his 'woe is me' sign. He told me he could make up to $150. per day...and this was back in the eighties when you could buy breakfast for $1.50

I have always said if I was homeless and ever held a sign it would read, " I bet you can't hit me with a quarter!" at that point, I would feel it is more a game for people.

You'd probably make a good income inviting people to 'toss' coins at you...

forget what i said. have a wonderful day!

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