Looking For PS4 and xBox One Players

in #community6 years ago (edited)

Fans of mine know that I have been posting more live streams gaming than writing lately. This has come about for more than one reason if I am to be completely honest. The first and main issue was the loss of my wife's mother which has thrown our house into craziness. My mind is often off wondering and writing, which is not something I normally did until steemit, has become much harder for me to find topics on which to write.

The next reason is that I have found a great real-life friend here on Steemit in @deadspace and I often waste hours and hours online playing with him. I haven't been able to play with him as often as I would like between his internet being a cunt and the fact I am streaming Warframe and his lazy ass has yet to install the fucking game. LOL, in all seriousness, I have fallen in love with Warframe and the kids enjoy watching me play it, so it has fallen into my #1 game slot for my free time.

I have also found that I can be 100% brain-dead while playing Warframe. Also unlike playing other games which I normally play with @deadspace if someone dies there is no waiting from 10 seconds to 20 minutes for the next round to begin. That idle time sucks when you are trying to unwind and let your mind wander off to nothing.

All that said, I am looking for some more Steemians to play the PS4 and xBox One with on multi-player online games. I am hoping that these new players will allow me to make some more friends on Steemit that I may otherwise not get to meet through casual blog reading. New players would also add to the people @deadspace and I have to play with when our other friends are being weird and going to bed early because they have to work. Plus if we add a few new people that we can get along with @deadspace may finally download Warframe.

There are some requirements to play with us.

1.) You must be able to play the online feature of your game system. (I know this is stupid to mention but this is Steemit)

2.) You must use words like fuck, shit, mother fucking and other words that describe how you feel while you are playing.

3.) You must be a team player. No running off and letting everyone else die because you're a cunt who only care's about how "you" do in the game.

4.) You must have a sense of humor.

5.) You must have an opinion.

6.) We do not accept whining.

7.) We stream and audio is golden, so you have to have a headset.

8.) You must accept our vote's on your blog and us making fun of you. (looking for friends, remember)

9.) You must have the ability to be a dick. (We like people who are fun)

and last but not least

10.) You can't be a useless cunt.

Now with all of that said and out of the way if you have a PS4 or xBox One and feel like you can follow the 10 rules above let me know below so we can get you added and we can have some fun. Who knows we might even become real-life friends.

Please don't be confused by the order of the requirements, #10 is the most important rule we have.

I look forward to some fun Steemian user filled games.

Jesus Christ, I've never been name dropped so hard before. I don't know if I should feel honored, or if I should think about getting a restraining order at this point.

Also, I haven't downloaded Warframe yet because I've been going ape shit on H1Z1 lately. It's become more fun since they updated it and changed the cars (They altered the gas and boost so it isn't super mad max at the end anymore) and how the map looks. I'll get to it eventually, though I'm not gonna play it anywhere as much as you because I don't like grindy games unless they're RPG's, lol.

P.P.S. Yeah, where the fuck are you, Steemians? Come be a giant douche with us on the PS4 as we talk about rubbing our nipples, Jerry Banfield blowjobs, and how Eroded thinks Saudi Arabia might be the greatest country on earth thanks to how they treat their women. #Beatyourwivesforgoingoutside #amirite?!

Also, I think it's fine to ignore rule number 3 for Eroded, as he will drag ass and be 500 feet away getting pooped on by several people. Obviously it's better to just use that precious time to enjoy the beautiful view of the game, rather than going to watch him get gang banged before having to turn around and flee.

You can have a big glass of shut the hell up, I was talking about our "friend" who left us to die in the storm without even knowing we were already dead.

He didn't even leave us to die in the storm, he just straight up left because he didn't wanna fight and apologized to us 45 seconds later after we had already died thinking we were still alive, lol.

I kind of feel it's Skyrim in space. You only have to grind for resources until you build excavators. Honestly, I have wasted 5+ hours fishing and hunting.

And don't forget we give away free hamburgers too!


Just a space between? No - or _?

yes I am pretty sure it is just a space

Hi eroded. Number 10 is the most important and we call that not being a UC. I like how you call being a dick is fine, bit of a compliment. Hope you find some other gamers that meet your criteria.

@deadspace and I often hunted for each other with a vehicle in H1Z1 as it was the only way to team kill. They have since removed that feature which took a lot of fun out of the game for us.

The rules seem pretty hard to follow...except no 2...lol.

The first requirement is hard due to bad network in my area

The first requirement
Is hard due to bad network
In my area

                 - oclinton

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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