My Crazy Plan To Support The Steemit Community To Create More of What They Want in Life

in #community7 years ago

Greetings Steemians

I am so excited to be part of this platform. Since I started writing a couple of weeks ago and really exploring what it’s about, I’ve started to realise just how powerful it could be – and I’m probably just scratching the surface currently.

For a couple of years now, I’ve been thinking about how I can best support free thinkers, anarchists and well, the kind of people that you find on Steemit to start creating more of what they want in life.

Now with this platform, I feel like I'm in the right place to make it happen!


I am great at guiding people to understand and transform the limiting beliefs that hold them back from doing the things that they want to do. These are almost always held in the unconscious mind and are a product of our conditioning from an early age. This mind control is happening both individually and collectively through the norms of society.

So, I am going to hold a regular group session to help anyone that is struggling or lacking inspiration to create something or achieve a specific result in their life. The sessions will be held via Zoom video conferencing (unless anyone knows of a better decentralised solution?) and there will be no cost to take part.

In case you are wondering, I will not be trying to sell anything at the end or anything like that. I will be endeavouring to support the participants fully during the live calls. Of course, I’m very happy for people to contact me about working individually, should they wish to.

We will be using processes based on EFT (aka Tapping), which I have found consistently give great results in clearing mental and emotional blocks to your personal version of success. If you have never heard of them, you can find out about them here on my website –

Here are some examples of how taking part might support you:

• Unlocking creativity to write posts on steemit
• Building more enabling beliefs about money, entrepreneurship, relationships etc
• Becoming more confident eg making video posts, public speaking, social situations etc
• Making quicker decisions that are more in line with the life you want
• Breaking old habits and patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you
• Clearing the mental clutter of societal conditioning and beliefs
• Releasing any unhelpful fears of authority that might be holding you back

And many more aspects – these are just some examples off the top of my head.

One of the great things about working with these processes is that you don’t actually need to go into much detail, so if you want to keep things to yourself, I can still guide you to clear any blocks (I’ll be flying blind so to speak, but you may still get results). So, no need to spill the beans if it doesn’t feel comfortable to you.

In fact, you don’t even need to speak up on the calls to get results. I will show you how to focus on what you want to happen or change in your life and then apply the tapping techniques while listening to others working on their challenges. Due to a concept called borrowing benefits, you can still progress well from doing this.

The video calls will be recorded and then shared on Steemit via Dtube, so that anyone who can’t make them live can still “tap along” later on and get results. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it works brilliantly. I’ve worked with many hundreds of people now and have seen how well they have done. I’ll post a few testimonials at the end of this article so you can see.

If you feel that this could benefit the community, then please do what you can to get this out there – Resteems etc.

LIMITATIONS – These calls aren’t the place to work on specific physical or mental health challenges. That kind of work is very in depth and needs to be done on a one-to-one basis for true long-lasting results.

Numbers – I will cap the numbers per call at 20 participants to begin with. This will be manageable and we should be able to work live with those that would like to speak. I will still do the sessions with lower numbers as well.

Timings – I will start out aiming to hold these calls every two weeks and the time will be 7pm GMT so you’ll need to check your local time zone.

Initially, I’d like to see if there’s interest in this, so please comment and let me know if you think this is a good idea

When it comes to holding the calls, I will ask people to register with me to receive the private link to join the call

TERMS OF TAKING PART WILL BE ALONG THESE LINES – THESE SESSIONS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. Please note that you need to take full responsibility for your physical and emotional health during the sessions. The techniques that we are using are experimental and while they are usually very gentle and some people appear to have experienced excellent results, it is not possible to know in advance how an individual will respond. Tapping techniques may bring old memories and emotional responses to the surface and this can feel very powerful. Remember that you are not obliged to share details of an event or memory, although you may wish to and we will be able to work on anything that comes up, whether you share the detail or want to keep it to yourself. As with all practices, whether complementary or normal medical/psychological, results can never be guaranteed. You are not recommended to ignore any medical advice and your primary care giver is always your GP or Healthcare provider. If you have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder or are taking any medication, you must inform Sam Neffendorf at [email protected] before taking part and he will confirm if you are able to do so.

I like to use a transformative approach that combines energy tapping with the humorous provocative techniques of Provocative Therapy. This addresses the multi-level nature of problems through warmth, liberating laughter, and spontaneity. This can feel very different to conventional “serious” therapy and you must be aware that I can and often will use stereotyping, non-PC language and humour to elicit emotional responses. This is all done from a space of compassion and kindness.

I’d love to hear what you think of this idea. Let’s manifest some amazing stuff in the world!


In the first case, following me is the best way to make sure you hear about the upcoming sessions. I’ll plan to run the first one around the middle of January.

Here are a few testimonials from people about the kind of things that could happen:


This is great Sam, I really think you should go for it, for me it's hard to commit to a time cos I have a baby, but would love to see the recorded sessions. It's a great thing that you are offering to the community, will resteem for sure and hope it reaches the masses.

I saw it because you resteemed @trucklife-family :-D

Great - thank you. I will definitely be doing this in the new year, so just want to make sure it gets out to as many people as possible :)

I like your direction! My mother exposed me to tapping! Have you ever tried using ice baths to break societal hypnosis? You got my follow!

Cool :) - I haven't tried that - I think it's a guy called Wim Hof who does that isn't it. Tapping is a bit more gentle and easier to do online. After all, they could be having a nice warm bath and I'd never know!

I think this is a great idea. I love your description: de-hypnotist. I'm a hypnotherapist and aim to do the same for others: freeing them from mind control. I know it sounds weird, to use hypnosis to de-hypnotize, but I feel very strongly that it is what all good hypnotists/therapists should do. I am familiar with EFT and am following you for updates because I am very interested in your work. Great to have you here on Steemit!

Great. I'm following you as well and look forward to seeing more of what you do and connecting in the future :)

Very interested. 😄

Great Sally. If you feel inclined to get this out there in whatever way, that'd be great, so we can support as many people as possible.

will do. I work with a life and business strategist and she may like to recommend it for some folk.

Great - well these sessions will be for Steemit participants - at least to begin with. However, I'm totally up for other opportunities as well. :)

I'm working hard to get people signed up to steemit :-D

Great Initiative Sam, I really believe the steemit community will benefit from having projects like this, I am positive you will build the right following and I look forward to seeing this take off.

Love your community spirit, just what steemit is all about.


Thanks Mark - I've got a great feeling about this. my intention is that it will build a big ripple effect of positivity among the community and the world. ;)

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