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RE: Htooms the benevolent whale

in #community7 years ago

This is the fingerprint, the tale tell signs of someone who resorts to name calling and death threats, flag wars are his fingerprint. He has proven again and again that he has no integrity, someone without the basic principle of honesty cannot have ANY principles because he has nothing to build upon. Just recently fyrst felt the need to post a video about "clean thyself". To expose his lunacy even more, he went on and on about cleaning thyself, what it is (cleaning your inside) and why you should do it (to serve others and yourself) but he has no idea about HOW to do that, and it's not that he held that information back, he simply doesn't have the method because he has probably never attempted to purify his inside, but had the need to "enlighten" us and repeat "do you get it" no, we don't you don't even know how to clean yourself, I will give you a HUGE CLUE: BE HONEST, stop lying, stop faking, stop trolling, stop engaging in flag wars, stop name calling and slandering, but again STOP LYING first and foremost, everything you have told me, such as "i don't have time" is a lie, a fabrication, you're a fake and nothing will change that, to start new you must come clean and expose your soul and it's depraved nature or you're going to keep shoveling shit and shit upon it in efforts to hide those awful actions. Clean yourself by coming clean.

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