Exposing Trolls and LiarssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #community7 years ago (edited)

Go figure, exposing a troll and his self voting and deceitful behavior will have consequences.


Over the last few days I have been going back and forth with the epic troll @contentjunkey in https://steemit.com/freedom/@lifeworship/war-is-already-here-trump-will-not-save-you-we-must-save-ourselves

After thoroughly exposing him, after his moo cow moo cow(the same the same) Freudian slip, for his pathetic troll attempt insinuating that man is equal to his property, he went and recruited the monkey army from @fyrstikken's (who I've also exposed his troll self for lying, supporting anonymous blackmail, disingenous 0.03% voting for antagonizing and purely gestural reasons and I suspect hes behind anonymous extortionists @blacklist, as well as 9k SP autoflag @iflagtrash account, exposing him over and over again) bot to upvote his nonsene since I called his self voting out and has raged through my comments flagging my comment ousting a plagiarizer and a liar and went through all my warnings about the liar and troll @orenshani7 (who on top of being a liar and zionist supporter and a giant troll has also argued that classism/class warfare is just a bed time story with his Rothschilds are just regular people post which I had found looking through his blog after my first encounter with him where he was defending the sick artist who's murals were all over Comet Pizza in a pizzagate article about that artist. Not long after that @orenshani7 came into a post which was exposing a false flag attack and argued "Suppose the video was edited or even faked? What does that tell us? That the incident did not occur?" in this thread where he backtracked on his comments and lied numerous times. And, ever since then I have went through every one of his posts, as at the time he was writing a blog series titled Introduction To Journalism, warning people of the character that writes such posts and his uncorrected actions) which @content-junkey has flagged in his rage attempt at trying to troll me, the one and only trollminator.

So, what happens when you confront liars, fakes and otherwise trolls, with truth and logic? The consequences are simply that they resort to the only thing that gives them solace, trolling some more: in the case of @orenshani7 he tried to argue in his deluded mentality that I am good publicity for him, and in the case of @fyrstikken he went on a flag rampage on my comments two different times, and possibly a third with @iflagtrash, after he slandered me and lied, deflected and asked me like @contentjunkey to abandon the conversation/exposure and go to steemspeak and he said he wasn't bothered by me, another lie based on his flag war. Now, with moo cow himself, he simply resorts to this pathetic rage flagging and subsequent upvoting nonsense as I expose it only proving how much win I, the trollminator haz.

The beauty of the blockchain is, that unlike their steemspeak, it holds a record of all things posted to it and edits, as some have learned, and it's public. I wonder why he didn't ask me caugh taunt me to abandon the converstation and run over to steemchat, was it because just like @fyrstikken he was banned from steemchat, who knows for what, maybe like @fyrstikken it was threats, either way he helped me expose him again and again, and his efforts at trolling are so pathetic that I will go ahead and extend this awesome badge custom ordered just for:


LMFAO....looks like you have A LOT of enemies!!! Maybe because you're a fucking little cunt and you deserve all the trolling and flagging that comes your way!

LoL the troll is mad, !!!!!!!! lololol.

Keep up the good fight Trollminator :)

Thank you, Community service a la trollminator :D.

You are a troll, spammer and serial harasser. You've earned every flag and still owe me your account key. I won't expect you to live up to your word though.

I don't owe you anything but my disgust and shaming, you think that my argument showing you removed context from the quote about natural rights which started with OUR is non sequitur, LAUGHABLE. You then tried to taunt me into abandoning the conversation with your "Are you afraid of livechat". You haven't argued one, not ONE of you numerous nonsense comments which I have retorted again and again exposing your baseless assumptions repeatedly, in that thread linked in the top of this post. You think that it's spam, great, more power to you! I think its a valuable community service exposing a liar and a troll especially as at the time he was writing a series called An Introduction To Journalism when he has no integrity and no journalistic bone in him.

On top of that you flagged my comment asking the now known liar and plagiarizer, to source their material, and it's great to know that it was an earned flag LOLOL. It proves that you are raging because you've been exposed, and while on your mad rampage attempting your weak troll effort against me saying that it's some kind of justifiable (LOLOLOL) reason for it, are equally exposed as disingenuous and reactionary(you mad bro).

What took place in that thread where you removed context ONLY to argue counter to the context the quote was in, that man is equal to his property, where people ignored your weak pathetic troll for 7 hours.
Go around voting for nonsense simply to get a reaction out of me, LAUGHABLE AGAIN, because it's working LOLOL.

HAHAHHAHAHAHAH troll harder, don't give up, lvl 2 is hard work.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Is that right, trying to backtrack right now? Too bad bro, threats are threats, copupastu or not, so thank you for your awesome sauce troll proof.

I said you are A LIAR, a DECEITFUL INDIVIDUAL and in other words a TROLL you MOO COW. You think your bullying with flags will work, or threatening on the blockchain? I don't have to tell you ANYTHING about me, lest you do meet me IRL I doubt you will come to regard me as anything but your last enemy.

Extracting all you can with your collusive buddies voting your trolls attempts, because you are a moo cow, you are a moo cow, don't forget to flag and pathetically retort with another meme, it's a forte of your character, the one who resorts to baseless assertions again and again grasping at anything that will show some semblance of innocence contrary to the facts exposing your behavior as deceitful and abusive, selfish and trollish.

LOLOL! Someone has burst their hemorrhoids full time
Got to hand it to the trollminator, a seal, a trained gorilla of the goof troops is threathening me with IP tracing on the internetz, LOLOL!
This is recorded on the blockchain, kiddo, but just a word of advice: don't blow too much of your hemorrhoid juice or you'll run out of that very nectar that keeps you keeps you moo cow from spewing your non sequitur left and right!

Awww. you makes a meme because that makes you feel better and a bigger man, how cute, thank you for your effort, it's appreciated LOLOLOL!

That does nothing you moo cow, it's only further proof for the blockchain that you are trying to obstruficate your actions, I already screencaped your copypaste threat, the flagging won't stop people from reading the content when I do decide to link it in any of your conversations providing a good contrast to whatever you wish to peddle in the future, the only recourse for lying is telling the truth, and equally the only recourse for deceiving and trolling, making threats is admitting to all your deeds and sincerely apologizing and asking for forgiveness, then going about to correct your wrongs as I see fit, otherwise your uncorrected actions and words will come to haunt you, if not in the recent future they will bite your ass in due time.

I know that the old adage of who laughs lasts laughs the hardest will tell how much your threat was a joke, you're continuous self voting and antics at making light of your copupastu threat are simply weak pathetic attempts at trolling, it will bite you in the ass sooner or later.

Put in the effort and lvl 2 troll will come, you reap as you sow. You sow your deceit and troll attempts and you will reap those fruits in due time.

I am a serial harasser for trolls and liars. Spam denotes something that has no value when in fact what I am doing is a service to everyone that read @orenshani7's nonsense saying "take it with a grain of salt, this person is a liar, a zionist supporter and a class warfare denialist" so keep up the hard work self voting and flagging me, I won't stop harassing trolls and liars alike.

You don't say, where's the rest of the quote? LMAO, it goes like
I am a serial harasser for liars and trolls. See what you did there, taken something out of context and sought to stab my character with it, just like you removed the quote about natural rights from its context where it started with OUR natural rights and went on to ask if OUR natural rights are the same the same (your Freudian slip ahhahahahahaha) as a cow:

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