Epidemic of childhood diseases on Steemit: why and what to do?

in #community7 years ago

Recently I see a large number of posts of the old inhabitants of Steemit, who are seriously concerned about the manner of behavior on the newbies. 

Maybe I'm wrong, but let's see what happened. Initially, Stimit was a fairly closed community. Firstly because very few people knew about it, then the registration was closed. Those who managed to become part of the community were for the most part not random people. They were either people who are well versed in the rules and ethics of community and blogging in general or those who had knowledgeable friends who could help them. Because in one way or another they were invited to the community or learned about it from people experienced in these matters.

I want to say that the Internet as a whole has gone the same way. At first it was a closed system, where only a small circle of people had access. They were people of a certain level, they were familiar with the rules and ethics of communication in this community. So we did not encounter something new. It happened before. It's another matter that we can change this, or at least take control.

Then "the borders were opened." A flood of different people poured into Stimit. Now we literally choke on spam. I see it and it irritates me, just like you. But I also want to say that we should somehow distinguish those who deliberately send out spam and "flag" is the only remedy for them from those who have not yet figured out the situation and have become infected with childhood diseases "nice"-"good", "follow me" and "upvote me" comments. 

I understand very well that now tomatoes can fly into me, but let's be honest. Not always those who leave such comments are spammers and have weak blogs. Like you, I mostly ignore such comments. But several times I still checked the blog. And, you know, I've seen really good blogs, and it's a pity if the author's reputation for such a blog is killed for one stupid comment.

So I want to suggest that the right of the first "flag" should belong exclusively to the author of the post, where such a comment was left. We know who comments on our posts, we know our friends and we can clearly see who sends us spam.

You will tell me that they have all read the rules and you will be right. But ... many of them come and are lost. It seems to them that many followers is an indicator of success, a lot of upvotes is an indicator of success. Then they will understand that this is not so, unless, of course, we kill their reputation earlier for the childish folly.

So, I've taken up enough of your time and I'll figure it out. 

Now I have two proposals specifically:

- the right of the first "flag" should belong exclusively to the author of the post, where such a comment was left;

- it is necessary to create a kind of school on http://steemtools.com/, where to send those newbies registered on Steemit. 

We already see that just the reading of the rules for many is inadequate. Yes, it annoys us, but it happens. Let's remember that there are also many young guys here and many of them are really talented, but they can do something stupid in their striving for success as soon as possible.

Perhaps, to some it will seem naive, but if we consider Steemit as a part of life, and not as a closed club, then we need to consider different aspects of human behavior.

Thank you for reading!



Then "the borders were opened." A flood of different people poured into Stimit. Now we literally choke on spam. I see it and it irritates me, just like you. But I also want to say that we should somehow distinguish those who deliberately send out spam and "flag" is the only remedy for them from those who have not yet figured out the situation and have become infected with childhood diseases.

I like the idea of making the first flag the exclusive right of the post's author. I'm not so sure I understand your second idea fully. Are you proposing that new users are put on probation for a time so that they may learn the rules and are determined to be genuine before being let loose onto the main platform? That may work but would the monitoring and hosting of what would in effect be a parallel system be possible? I haven't the knowledge to answer that. Maybe some others might?

I like the analogy you make likening newbies to children and them catching the 'upvote me' type diseases. You make a good point and one that we ought to bear in mind before letting loose with the flags. Maybe a polite comment to that person pointing out the errors of their ways first is the way to go. Thanks for the post @animal-shelter. Say hi to cryptonut for me :-D

Thank you, I will definitely retell your greetings to CryptoNut :)
I mean such a "school" as a service, where there will be basic information on different topics and where newbies can leave their questions. Many write posts on this topic, but these posts are scattered, no system. A link to "school" can be sent along with the registration confirmation. It's voluntary.

Ok, I get where you're coming from now. Great idea to gather all the info together in one place. Take care till next time.

Right of the first flag... Hm... You know, It's we who are annoyed with such comments. BUT. 90% of them go to the blogs of such spammers who leave them. Then these comments get upvoted by bots and then they receive money from the limited reward pull for writing trash. So not an option as for me.

I partly agree with you. I only try to find compromize

This will not work as a compromise at all. Bot holders will have nothing to fear at all with such rule

Most likely you are right. But I still think that everyone deserves a second chance. The third -not, but the second always. Maybe this is an age:)

I agree with you, but we will not solve it with "first flag" rule

I understand what you're saying. Not everyone knows how to behave well on a platform like this and their ehm... for lack of a better word... 'tactics' are different than that of well established authors.

Some, however, simply copy/paste a comment to every single post they can find, shamelessly self-promoting. I find it hard to agree that they don't know what they're doing. They don't even read the post, because they comment too often for that to be possible.

When I see someone like that, I flag him/her, wherever I see the comment. Why? Because they have probably been warned before and flagged before. If they took the time to read the posts they commented on, they would have definitely run into a post like this particular one of yours, explaining how not to behave. For others, I always post this at the bottom of my articles:

Fair warning: Copy/paste comment and obvious bot comments will get flagged.

It saves me the trouble of having to explain my flag on direct comments to my post (though I still sometimes do).

Either way, if I flag someone (not on my own post), I tend to leave atleast one explanation, just to be sure they understand. That way, they have a chance at bettering themselves. I can't say I always do this though, because sometimes I just get too annoyed by all of this spam.

I mostly agree with you. I just always want to think that people are mistaken, than what they do badly intentionally. Although I see that many people are deliberately and unconscionably spamming.
I really like your idea with a warning at the end of the post: "Fair warning: Copy / paste comment and obvious bot comments will get flagged". Can I borrow it?

Yes, you can borrow it, not a problem!

I'm not too great at seeing the good in people anymore. I know not everyone is decent. The internet brings out the worst in people sometimes. Forgetting basic human decency. Just look at the amount of spammers. I don't really see that many people when I walk the streets outside, shoving their cards in my face, telling me to check out their business.

Anonimity on the web brings out bad behaviour in people, though atleast the chance at rewards here on Steemit tones down a lot of rude behaviour aswell.

You are very much right in many respects. I see a lot of evil when it comes to animals. But I see a lot of bright, kind people ready to fight for the best. Sometimes it seems to me that the world is divided ... In any case, the anonymity of the Internet exacerbates bad qualities, because it is often impunity.

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You're still at it? Oh my gosh, I forgot to follow in your footsteps again! Let me rectify this situation...

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Haha excellent!

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