Response to a girl about the danger of being raped for looking too sexy

in #community6 years ago

This is the response to the piece here -

Hi there, you upped my post on sexual abuse and the Literary Award, so I followed to this post.

Look, of course, we all agree that this is a very bad thing that happened to you.

But, I guess that you need to do the following things:

Forgive Yourself
Tell yourself that you are going to act better in the future
Specify to yourself the crisp-clear action plan.
If you are saying to youself "did he just say that it's ME who needs to change to the better", then "yeah, you are getting it right".

You know why? Because I can't talk to those guys who did that to you. I can't physically talk to them, because I am from Russia. And even I were able to talk to them right now, what would I say - it's a bad thing to do.

People never believe that THEY are doing the bad thing, it's always THE OTHERS.

So, if I were you, I would do the following things.

I forgive myself for looking inward and accumulating venom and hatred towards those goons. I forgive myself for not acting in the clear-headed manner, fully understanding the consequences of my actions.
I will act better in the future.
This is what I'm going to do:
Purchase a very big and strong pepper gas balloon + always care it with me (if you need a purse to do that, this means that you never leave the flat without your purse).
I will get 50USD from my parents and pay this money to my friend, who likes me. If you don't have this friend, find him. I will purchase for him the protective cup (the thing that covers his pennis and balls).
This is what you need to do:
Ask him to punch you, toss you around, ridicule you, wrap your hair around his hand and slap you. Slapping is the best thing probably.
Whatever his doing, your reaction should always be the same, again, again, again:
a. start whimpering and being a girly girl
b. meanwhile you need to identify the leader (this can be the biggist guy or not - it's easy to see him in the midst of the people)
c. you don't have to wait for him to come onto you (i.e., do not wait for him to start raping you or start raping you after you have already been raped by another person), but you need to make the gang believe that you going "through the hands" with your moving completely uncontrolled. Meanwhile, you need to get to him, then you need to do the following thing:
i. hug him (not literally, but covertly)
ii. start hitting him with the knee in the groin, again, again, again and again.
iii. then go two steps backwards and loudly pronounce - I have a black belt in karate, who's next?
I think that in this situation you will be left alone and you will be able to move out of this situation.

Make sure that you do not go around the same "bad" places again, during whatever time of the day.
Make sure that you do not trigger the conflict with the gang, so that you can try out your technique.
Make sure that you don't trigger the sexual emotions in the men.
Now, again, I am actively shifting all the blame onto you.
Because it's easier for me to do this. It's easier for me to explain my positions to you instead of trying to communicate to those goons.

AND I'M TELLING YOU, the way you described this thing, you are coming out as a totally awesome female, who everybody wants to own, right there, in the park.

Is this bad?

Yes, it is. You need to start wearing baggy clothes and make sure that you don't have the sex appeal. The gangs don't jump bad-looking nerdy girls, fright?
What do you think about the things that I said?

Just making sure - I am not a jock myself + I have friends from the "bad places", who I can call + I will never ever actively engage anyone in Moscow, where I live, because it's easier for me to say: "Do you know Vahtan, Bear Guy, Semyon, Martin from that Street?" Goons always know each other and I know some goonds myself.
I would not advise you to use this technique in your place, because this doesn't seem to me as viable option.
This is the great option for me though. I've done this 3-5 times. Goons know goons. You ask for the cigarette, even though you don't smoke. You talk footbacll for two minutes. You are done. The conflict has lost its tractins. And I'm talking guns under the belts. This kinda conflicts.


I know what LGBT stands for, if you know what I mean ;)
I know that around 100-1000 gays were masscared in Chechnya last spring. Everybody who's anybody here knows about that.
You need to goon-ify yourself. Otherwise, you run too high risks when coming in contact with these actors. I know guys like that in Moscow. It's dangerous to be them here.
I know that two of them were knived just because. I know that people killed for fun in Moscow.
You either goon-ify a bit, or you run the risk of being killed or beaten real hard.


I appreciate the link to my post and your devil's advocacy, but the thing is: I'm a goon. Our cultures have us believing that a woman who can defend herself isn't delicate or "lady-like", and thus is perceived as masculine. Also, I'm 188 cm tall. This is about anthropology as much as anything - our primal urges to fuck or fight, that will be the cause of our species' extinction if we don't recognize it and evolve.

I am not sure that I agree with you.

We are not humans. "We" are consciousnesses. The bodies that contain "us" are designed in order to sustain the life inside them long enough that they can procreate.

The evolution does not care about your feelings. From the standpoint of mating with "lush" females, those boys are doing the right thing. The better thing for them would be to come in contacts with you and let you be owned by the leader. That's how evolution has been working for millions of years. That's how natural selection works.

Then you'll get pregnant and you'll have to bear the child, while watching the fire in the cave. Then your child would get in a gang and go look for lush females in order to do just the same thing.

So, "evolving" is, in my opinion, much over-hyped. What we need is some sort of the universal rights base. Sort of, the global constitution. So that you can explain to your kids that you don't do that, coz it's banned by the global constitution.

So, what's the name of the park? Just want to google it.

And I am no in no way the "devil's advocate" in that meaning that I am trying to spend some time writing stuff here, so that I practise my writing skills, but at the same time, I truly believe in every word that I've said in my posts.

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