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RE: My new thought on something to say to pro-communist people...

in #communism7 years ago

Yet the more people the better, our world now works in such a way that we have multiple people working to produce one product, like for cars we have engineers workers, people who do electronics, programs design and so on, in a way that the impossible work for one man is divided between several people which lets everyone do his job much better.

You are trying to simplify it too much. That is why it doesn't work. You can pick examples for as long as you want and you'll barely be scratching the surface of all of the variables out there. It is not humanly possible for us to centrally plan for these complexities.

The only thing we've found that does this without needing central planning is a mechanism of universal exchange. It is a brilliant and simple tool that we call money, currency, etc.

It is not the problem. Human nature is the problem.

So you either need to realize currency will remain (thus no central planner really needed), or you need to come up with SOMETHING that can accomplish the same tasks it does equally or better.

I haven't actually been able to come up with any such thing. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain may be a step in the right direction, but those are but evolution of the currency concept and are still currency.

The problem with the anti-capitalist people is they think that correlation equals causation. It does not.

The presence of this tool and people doing voluntary exchange among each other with this currency is ultimately what defines capitalism.

Extra baggage can be added onto that and people still call it capitalism. Yet in reality it is capitalism + extras.

It is the EXTRAS where the actual problem lies.

The causation actually is largely in the field of human nature. That human nature doesn't suddenly dry up and go away if currency is removed from the picture.

So the entire communist, and Marxist ideas base their entire reason for existence upon false causation, and false equivalencies.

It sounds good, and emotionally feels good so it must be true, right? Wrong!

Socialism I consider the stepping stone towards Communism and Marxism but it hasn't completely decoupled itself from currency.

I don't know of any "communist/marxist" nations that remove currency completely. So I cannot find historical precedent for that. You could likely find hippy communes or other communal nations where they did.

The largest historical actual communist society I am aware of is the city state operated by Pythagoras. There are some amusing sayings from the world at the time that group of people was active. It seemed to work pretty well during the age of Pythagoras when there were far fewer factors/variables to keep track of and while he was alive. It did not long survive his death.

The needs and variables of the time were limited in scope by a vast amount compared today and it had a particularly brilliant mind that could centrally plan that.


We r stuck here, you talking about it is impossible, me talking why so?

You are asking about Why? I already stated why. If you have a lack of reading comprehension and can't put forth a little effort of your own other than repeating the same tropes then it is certainly not my job to do your work for you.

Like I said I hate socialism, communism, and Marxism.

It is not my job to support you. You can get off of your ass and do some work of your own. Or you can keep repeating shit and trying to get me to do it for you.

Dig into the terminology Stochastics. It is a very complex subject and it barely scratches the surface. Then apply that to the concept of Central Planning.

If you can't figure out the simple things I have written about here on your own and with a little effort then what makes you think you'd have a clue about stochastics, variables, and complexities?

You can't even put forth the effort on the simple things and now you want me to give you examples that are way more complex in explanation than the simple things?

Seriously. Stochastics would be a very good starting point. I will warn you, if your math skills are not that good then it'll likely not help you one bit.

You are not convincing, I don't like your arguments, if you think they are obvious then they are not, you seem hostile I think its better to stop this conversation, if you want to convince people then do it other way, that addition of stochastics should have been stated in the beggining instead of just "people can't" argument. If you will write an article about stochastics I will read it, but just for this converstaion I don't want to spend time researching it on my own. In the end what is your goal of this conversation and article? Be right? Convince people? Or find truth?


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