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RE: Muh! KrNel Only Cares About the Money! He Doesn't Even Respond to Comments!

in #comments8 years ago

You're the only Steemian I've decided to start flagging. It was nothing personal, however I tend to agree that your posts are generally over-valued, and I do not understand the whole "energy beliefs system" mumbo jumbo that you're constantly posting about, with the arrows and the boxes of text pointing at each other. It honestly seems like pseudo-intellectual masturbation to me.

The tone you've taken with these long-winded callout posts is quite frankly, obnoxious. I even unfollowed you because of it.

I figured since others have explained their flags, I may as well do the same. I hope you don't mind. Have a good one.


You disagree, you get flagged or ignored, or you're called an idiot. Krnel in a nutshell. He goes berzerk when people don't accept his truth or authority. Yours was a flag.

pseudo-intellectual masturbation

This. That, by itself, is not a good reason for flagging though, I think. It will suffice for muting while at the same time wondering if all his upvoters actually read what he excretes.

Yes, look at an inforgraphic, and be confused by arrows. Omg the arrows are so confusing! The information is garbage!

"energy beliefs system"?

What the hell are you talking about? Flagged you back asshole. Way to use a flag right "I don't like it so I flag it". Bravo!

Also I did use my flag right, as I said I do not think your posts are worth the amount they receive. That's one of the parameters for flagging right? It says so right on the warning.

"Disagreement on rewards"

You can flag anyone for any reason you see fit, for the flag is the downvote function. On Busy, it appears as a simple dislike button. We shouldn't think that every downvote is a flag anymore. I thought a lot about this topic, and I have written some of my thoughts in a "series".

I'm talking about your diagrams, like this one:

When I read this kind of thing, I don't know what to think. It just seems like a bunch of words jumbled together to try to convey some "hidden" meaning. It's navel-gazing.

Flag me if you want, it doesn't offend me. And even if it did, I would rather preserve your right to free speech (in the form of a flag), then throw more stones at you. I was just explaining why I took the action that I took.

Flagged as trolling.

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