New Custom Action Figure: Red Skull

in #comics6 years ago


Recently a good friend of ours asked me if I knew of any Red Skull action figures, because she couldn't find any for her son. While I knew they existed, they are expensive and slightly hard to find (for the good ones atleast). Luckily, the kid in question has ME as their Godfather. After some thought, and rummaging through some fodder boxes, finding a Red Skull torso/legs.. I decided to make this 3 year old kid a custom action figure... so his Captain America can finally have someone to beat up.

Sidenote: It felt really cool telling them I was making this for their son. He doesn't know yet, but his mom teared up when I told her and that is a pretty cool feeling. MAKING PEOPLE CRY

For the base I used a Marvel Legends Red Skull torso that my friend had (and didn't care about). I found some random arms off of a Captain Marvel figure that fit well enough, and some spare hands that I had in my fodder bag.

For Red Skulls iconic... red skull... I actually found a Taskmaster head that had a few holes in it that worked perfect (atleast perfect enough for a 3 year old). After identifying all the parts I would use. I cleaned up the figure with some fine grit sandpaper, washed it off, let it dry and then started to PRIME!

I guess this is a good time to mention... my friend I always talk about who helps with my customs, and lets me use his stuff GAVE me his old air brush... which is crazy... I keep getting cool gear from friends (like when I got that 3d printer a few weeks ago). He taught me how to clean and use the air brush and I was ON MY WAY!

Since the glue I used to fill in the holes in his head didn't quite work very well. I used "green stuff" to sculpt over it after pulling out the glue. It definitely is going to give it a smoother look, and will prime better I am sure.

Red Skull decided to pick a fight with Black Panther

Little does he know that Black Panther has the INFINITY GAUNTLET

Turned to dust.... I guess I gotta start over...


coming along nicely

Turned to dust.... good one! 😄

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