Speculating on Comics 12.12.2018

in #comics6 years ago

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I managed to go a second week in row not land any comics from LCS on the CBSI top ten list. Hey, that’s ok; I managed to find copies of The Source and The Ogre online at cover price, so I can’t call it a complete loss. I also managed to get a second print of the The Source issue #1 too at cover price, so I’m looking forward to getting caught up on that series. Pentalpha, anyone?

Heading into this week we all know The Batman Who Laughs returns, and with it, a ton of covers that I summarized this past weekend. I’m personally keeping it simple (and cheap). Honestly, I’m just curious what DC is going to do with character. I’m also curious whatever the hell that Grim Knight was in the last Justice League.

Picks for Flips

Punch Line 2 Soaring Variant

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If you see this offering from Antarctic, do yourself a favor and grab it as quickly as possible. This was limited to 1 per customer on Midtown, sold out straightaway, and is now being listed on Ebay at $70 USD. I won’t have a chance at it, but I hope you do. If you can even get the A-cover, do it. You’ll thank me later.

Black Order 2 Christopher Variant

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I didn’t get issue 1, but issue 2’s variant sold out quickly online. This one you could probably flip pretty quickly for a few bucks if you can find it. A few copies are already going for an all-in price of $10 USD on Ebay.

Defenders Silver Surfer Skan 1:25 Variant

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Another one long gone online, prices on Ebay pre-orders are already in the $40-$70 USD range. If you can get it at cover price, and can afford it, and want to flip it, this might be an easy $25 USD profit.

X-23 7 Variant Cover

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I don’t know anything about this series, but know it sold out quickly, and lots of people love the cover art for this one. Another you can likely turn around.

What I Want for My Long Term Collection

Batman Damned 2 Bermejo Variant

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I doubt anything controversial will happen on this issue, but it never hurts to hear if anything shows up in this one that makes it sell out again. Sprint to your store if there is any news Wednesday morning and get as may as you can.

Spider Girls 3 Putri Variant

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This one will finish up the set of Putri’s variants for my daughter.

Marvel Animation 1:10 Variants

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Respectively, those are The Amazing SpiderMan 11, Miles Morales Spider Man #1, and Peter Parker Spectacular SpiderMan 313. I started this set last week with the Venom Spider-Noir animation cover...so I guess I need to finish it up. My wallet is hoping there are no more next week.

Amazing Spider Man 11 Dell’Otto Variant

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This one is very cool. I do like a good Dell’Otto.

Justice League Dark 6 Crane Variant

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What a beautiful cover, and with more news of future television work with JLD members Swamp Thing and Zantanna, these might have some value down the road. Besides, the story has been wonderful thus far.

The Flash 60 Chew Variant

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Some online think Derrick Chew might be the next “hot artist.” I can’t speak to that as I can’t see the future, but this could be a good one to get at cover price. Plus there is a new villian being introduced in this story.

Suicide Squad 49 Mattina Variant

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Mattina again...how does this guy do it?

Detective Comics 994 Brooks Variant

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It looks like Brooks is back again on Detective. I picked up the last one he did, so there I go again. Money spent.

Wonder Woman 60 Frison Variant

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Still collecting this one, and working on backfilling previous Frison versions.

Other Items of Interest

Goddess Mode 1

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Where in the near future, the essentials of humankind are met by a deity/god like AI, one young woman is required to provide tech support to IT. Cassandra Price, the tech support, has her life upended forever when she learns of a digital world beneath our own. In that world, a group of super powered females are locked an occult war for the cheat codes to reality. Sounds familiar? It’s time to get Gnostic. I’m looking forward to picking this one up.

Outer Darkness 2

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I didn’t see much about this one, but I enjoyed the first issue. A spacecraft powered by a god engine? And that god engine is essentially a pagan deity worshipped in some far flung corner of the universe. It’s sort of like (I think), a deity like Molech, who manifested from the collective unconscious by a fervent, radicalized population of Chaldeans. As time moved on, Molech faded back into obscurity, as new deities were manifested by the generations of the moment. Later, some high tech scientists found, trapped, and converted Molech’s energy into an engine to power a spacecraft. Great stuff.

Fantastic Four Wedding Issue Artgerm Variant

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I’m on the fence with this one...what to do? It’s Artgerm, but by this point in the list, I’m already about $50 USD over budget. And this doesn’t even include the Batman Who Laughs that I want. I need more money, I think

That’s it for this week. Good luck to everyone this coming Wednesday, I was talking to @blewitt last week regarding some reviews...I think I’ll try to get that going so our group can discuss thoughts on issues released that week. I know cryptos are getting hammered in price, and the interest in things like Steemit are likely at an all time low. Yet I’ll keep plugging away on here to get info out to those who have interest in it.

As always drop a line to let me know what I missed. Good luck on getting Punch Line 2 to everyone!


I’m really looking forward to @tokenbb launching and hope it’s great! I think we could have a good group building some #comics forums and that format would really lend itself to more conversations. I’ve also been trying to get up the energy to dust off my @exploreunlimited account and do more comic reviews.

Thanks - I haven't kept up with that token. How does it work in terms of forums? I'd be interested in contributing content most certainly.

i checked out your @exploreunlimited last night - slam a Rockstar if you have to; I really enjoyed your Thanos review. It's hard to have interest in putting a lot of work in Steem right now with prices, but I think our small subgroup could still grow organically a bit (or on tokenbb if that is better suited). I'm still pretty new to all of this, but enjoy the group on here I've met. Thanks again

TokenBB hasn’t launched yet, but it’ll essentially be another Steem front end styled as a forum. There was a similar project previously, called ChainBB which I really enjoyed but the developer wanted to focus on some other projects.

I just think multi party conversations flow better on a forum style, and people can be valued participants without being “content creators” and needing to post full blogs & articles.

Thanks for the kind words on the reviews. I’m not shy about putting work in when Steem value is low, I always look at the rewards as Steem and not dollars right now and that helps keep it in focus for me. I’ll try to circle back around to @exploreunlimited soon, I’ve been enjoying some good stuff lately!

Hell Yeah man. Keep it up!!! Good luck this week!!! Lol

Many thanks as always! And if we hear anything about Damned #2, which I doubt will happen, I may have to pick up a couple copies and try getting a copy graded for the first time ever. A potentially better investment than Litecoin!

Lol at litecoin.

The art in Damned 2 is outstanding. I love Bermejo.

I can't wait to read it tonight - sounds like a lot of the darker DC folks are in it. I kept it simple and went with the Harley Quinn cover today at my shop.

It's definitely the better cover in my opinion. I would love to get an original piece by Bermejo one day.

i would too...actually, I'd like to get any of these wonderful artist's originals someday. Way too many beautiful covers right now.

I have a few cool pieces and I am in the process of paying off a 10 page story from the newest ASM #1 by Ramos. It features Mysterio who is my favorite villain and the brand new Spidey villain.

awesome @blewitt ! I haven't had the courage to go quite that big yet, but did take the plunge and bought the first appearance of Blue Devil in Firestorm the Nuclear Man yesterday. I think I'm beginning to have a problem!

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