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RE: Comic Book Page Planning in the Digital Age!

in #comics6 years ago

Yessss! I get really excited to see process posts like this. They are immensely helpful, since I'm still trying to get my shit together to make an actual plan for my pages, instead of throwing a pencil to paper and then getting pissed off at myself for running out of room because I didn't pre-plan any sort of layout.

I'm liking the script already... it's quite amusing. I'm stoked to see more progress posts.


Thank you! I’m happy you’re enjoying the script so far. I’m cracking myself up writing some of it and can only hope others enjoy it too!

Pre planning is so important with sequential pages. But there’s no single correct way to do it. Find something that works for you! It could involve photocopying & collage, using a light box, etc. but the important thing is to have your layout pretty well refined before you start into the detailed rendering. It can save some heartache!

My first comic I did all my rough page layouts on index cards, which I tacked up on a cork board to reorder & plan out the comic. Then I’d scan the cards when I was happy with them, blow them up, print them out, & trace the layout onto a fresh sheet of drawing paper to begin rendering.

I’ve never used these, but I enjoy seeing layout work by artist Jeff McComsey. He sells the books he makes for himself to plan his comics.

And here’s a look at one of his sketches in them.


Can’t wait to see more of your project too... one step at a time!

Yeah, I'm definitely getting that rough drafts and story boarding is going to be something I have to accept in this process. I'm determined to do it right, and make something decent this time, so I really want to take my time and figure it out. I've never been much of one to do several renderings of the same image, or to do rough drafts on much of anything... it almost makes it feel forced. But I am liking the idea of doing a super rough sketch page to figure out layout and composition, rather than drawing and re-drawing the same image 4 times to get it right. haha "Work smarter, not harder!" and all that.

I could see index cards on a cork board being helpful, if only I had a little more space to call my own, where little fingers wouldn't try to "improve" things. lol Those thumbbooks look awesome! Thanks for sharing!

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