
Hi Kryptik, I guess the most important thing is to do it because you love it. There's little money and a lot of work involved, so it's got to be for the love. Apart from that, like anything, practice makes perfect! 10,000 hours make a master, as the saying goes. Good luck and thanks for the follow.

I would also add, that actually doing it - making a comic - even though you are not satisfied with the result is the best way to actually learn it. Somehow I have always known it to be true, but it did ring a bell when I heard it said. If you go down to the middle of this post you can see Paul A. Kring, and old Danish cartoonist, And he said it: "The only way to learn to make comics is... to make comics."

So... yea, I know it is a bit boring advice, but work is always the way to good art.

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