
I agree with everything you just said. Extra Lobo thoughts, in retrospect I do not dislike that New 52 Lobo design as much as it hurt me to see when it first came out

But I just can't believe they ever thought they needed to re-do Lobo this much when they had such a great character.

Mind you I do remember how he looked when he started though

Bisley looked like he had fun drawing all the Lobo books he did.

Just catching up now. I never would have thought that was Lobo unless you said something to me about it.m I like most of what I see coming from the New 52. But you are right, something about this hurts my eyes!

When you see something so different than the original it just makes you wonder why they don't rename it and sell something new! As I type this I know this does not make sense to the people running these comic companies. Sequels and remakes f'n work and I'd be a liar to say I don't enjoy it sometimes, bah.

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