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RE: Phill from GCHQ - page 23 - The High Priests

in #comics7 years ago

Yes, in some of the names there are hidden messages... (of course).

Gerome Beatty-Philpot and Drake Nudd are both anagrams - Gerome's name created from a character in Tintin, namely Professor Hippolyte Bergamotte - Drake Nudd is not as hard so maybe you can find out yourself.

Harriet was a name I just invented, but her surname, Li, is one of the most popular Chinese names and mean Plum - it looks like this: 李

Gorm and Burke was simply because I needed not too long names, but Gorm are probably not an English surname. The first historical Danish king was called Gorm.


Drake Nudd == Dead Drunk?

I learned today what the Bergamote de Nancy is:

Nancy's bergamot is a slightly tangy, square, translucent, golden-colored candy, flavored with bergamot essential oil, whose confectioners from Nancy in Lorraine made their specialty in the 19th century.

Yes, that's the anagram for poor Drake Nudd!

Bergamote is also used as the flavour of the Earl Grey tea.

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