
You didn't miss that much! I haven't been all that prolific lately. Your Ithaqa previews seem to be coming fast and furious though! Love 'em.

I saw that your previous post made it to $145 congrats!

And thank you for continuing to check in on my comic :) The drawings are coming in fast and furious so the writing is happening pretty quickly too haha. I'm thinking I'll post a script to comic page comparision one of these days...

Do you have any advice on getting a comicbook sold? I assumed I would be self publishing honestly, but I have 0 experience in that haha

Thanks! I feel a little guilty about that post doing well because it was picked up by the Curie account. I believe they only support newer users, which I of course am not... just separating content into different project accounts. But oh well, I'll take it!

Did you ever see my reply back on this post? I was never sure if it got lost in the shuffle, especially with notifications on the fritz. I'll keep my eye out for more references and resources for you.

I think you need to be prepared to make some direct contact with a lot of retailers. Send samples/promo materials - call and speak with them, get them on board and support them selling your book. This applies whether you pick up a publisher or not. You can't leave all the promotion to them.
I'd certainly start exploring some conventions you'd be capable of setting up at, and definitely plan some tailored promotion and media support in Ithaca! That's a home field advantage you can't pass up!

I had missed that reply, thank you for showing me/ expanding on your advice here. Very helpful, and yes, Ithaca in real life is too good an opportunity for interest/publicity to pass up...

Also don't feel guilty! You're an artist and a curator and you were paid as much as the site felt you were worth in that moment!

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