"Ithaqa" Comic Bonus Update: Harvey Bolton

in #art7 years ago


Pretty busy this weekend, but I thought I'd throw in a bonus page for everyone to see. Panel 2 is currently being reworked because Harvey's facial structure looks a little bit like Stallone in that panel.

Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist) website is here: http://www.theresachiechi.com/

If you want to stay up to date on the project please give me a follow, either here or on facebook or instagram (below).
FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IthaqaComic/about/?ref=page_internal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ithaqacomic/


Wow great page! I love that line work. It's full of details! This first panel with the forest background looks awesome. I got to learn how to draw vehicles like that. References... References...

The previews continue to impress and excite! Do you have any estimates on when you may release Ithaqa and plans on what distribution methods you may use?

I've written 3 issues so far, issue 1 should be finished in about 3 months. From there I was thinking I would pitch to image comics, failing there I would self publish. Could probably use some advice on what I should do with the comic once I'm trying to sell though.

Open to ideas haha

I've got to brush back up on the current state of affairs in the comics industry myself. Jim Zub (www.jimzub.com) has some great blog posts on the economics of self publishing from his couple series through Image. Also advice on pitching, selling etc. Highly recommended.

I wouldn't be afraid to consider some other small publishers too if you're interested in that route first. Action Lab, and Alterna Comics come to mind as possibilities.

If the pure self publishing route has appeal (or is your only option!), I'd suggest following Jason Brubaker (www.remindblog.com) and reading some of his stuff like the book Unnatural Talent. I've got to revisit that myself soon!

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