
Hello !
I hope it's ok if I send you message through reply to this post.
You send me mesage to wallet about 2nd place in steemmonsters-tournament and ask to send back with my adress. I will do this without a question but what adress you need ? I always under same name "schachoberhessen" in steemit / steemmonsters / drugwars.
When I'm looked in in Drugwars I see also this 50 Future who I think everybody get in the top line.
So please tell me what adress you need more - thank you in progress !

Hi! There is a lot more information about the FUTURE token and wallet information in this post or this one but basically I believe after you install that Obyte wallet I just need a receive address for you from that wallet.

Hello I just come back to this message.

I will not open anything for this FUTURE-Token, if you cannot send them to my Drugwars-Account maybe you can send me STEEM instead.

In the moment I can change (inside Drugwars) 1303 FUTURE for 1 STEEM, so 50 FUTURE would be 0,038 STEEM.

Otherwise you can just keep this 50 FUTURE as donation from me.

Hi is there an address listed on this page for you? If not I will def just send equivalent amount of STEEM over no prob

I pressed their generate Deposit adress and now they show me:


So you think if you send Future it will be in Drugwars in my account ?

I have not installed this obyte till now.

Sent! It should just show up in your DrugWars account near the top right hand side. Sent you an extra ten just because. You can see the transaction on their crazy looking Obyte blockchain explorer here

Sup Dork! Enjoy the upvote!!!

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