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RE: Comic Books from the 90s - Sandman from 1993

in #comics7 years ago

lol, what does this comment stem from?

His writing is great all over, Sandman being a personal favorite, but his works even in a Doctor Who episode are awesome, but I know little of him personally, not even sure if I have read an interview.


I met him once at I forget which launch. The guy was a real dick. Arrogant as fuck.

I had one bad experience with Mark Texeria at a con. It made me dislike the guy for years. I can only say I understand, and hope your experience might have been just a bad day for the guy and it might of effected how he was that day. I don't know, I just love his writing so much I want to defend him lol

Maybe. We were there for several hours and he had a shit attitude that entire time, but who knows. I remember the media didn't show up like they were supposed to, I think only one camera crew from some small getup made it, so he probably thought he wasted a day on nothing.

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