
I agree about keeping memes out the #comics tag. Let them use the #meme tag.

Thank you for stepping up to help ensure quality in the comic section of steemit. I'd be happy to help flag.

Does it cost voting power when I flag a bot?

It does cost voting power and grants no curation rewards. That’s the disincentive built into the system to avoid flag abuse.
As I mentioned in another reply, I’m already softening my stance a bit and have been targeting just the content that’s reposting material and including markers such as [oc] in the title. It may have been original content shared on reddit... but if the they’re not bothering to edit that out of their cut & paste sharing then I consider it plagiarism.
I’m torn on the other spammy comic strip shares. They’re mainly just a vehicle for these accounts to direct a few paid bot upvotes to. If I’m feeling extra grumpy I blast them a bit too in hopes it’ll encourage them to keep their little Steem farming operation out of my favorite tag!

Bryan, good on you for putting in the effort to clean up the 'comics' tag. I've been continuously muting accounts in hopes that one day I'd get a clean 'new releases' feed ('s all going to be content that I would enjoy reading!)

Thank you. Hopefully in the future we’ll see better tag filtering features and the long awaited communities to help us build the feeds of our dreams!
After browsing other popular sites where comics are shared, I’m already questioning my methodology. If people want to see fun webcomics shared I don’t want to stop it. Although it feels strange seeing rewards for unoriginal content, they’re not technically being rewarded for the content itself, but for the act of sharing it.
As such I’m mainly targeting the posts that have content marked (oc), “original content” which clearly aren’t, and posts that share work from artists that are already on Steem and could have simply been re-steemed. I’m tempted to downvote many more as some accounts are clearly doing nothing but copy paste/spam... but I’m hesitant.
Thanks for the support and encouragement!

The comics tag is an absolute pain. It's truly dominated by same old spam and little value. In what would otherwise undoubtedbly be a thriving (sub) niche.

In all honesty, I've considered chainBB for comics and to hopefully kickstart a cleaner niche but then there's the impending Communities. Hopefully they will provide us with better tools to manage a cleaner place and build an awesome community.

I surely could do with a little more comics related content. But for now... I truly can't be bothered to even look at the tag feed.

I’m quite hopeful for communities as well. I’ve been working on and its accompanying ChainBB forum but still have work to do before I start regularly updating & promoting it.

I would love to do more comic reviews, but not at the pace of the usual suspects. An angle I want to explore more is the 'whole arc/chapter' review (TPB basically), like this. Also, I'm quite sure we can bring (pro) artists without too much effort.

While I love forums, and think chainBB rocks as a model, I may want to wait for communities tho. If you want a helping hand tho, feel free to hit me up in (replies may be delayed, timezones and all that stuff). Same handle.

That was an excellent review you did, I linked it on the site. I’m with you in reviewing collections over singles. I’ve done a few mainly mainstream fun reviews using @exploreunlimited , I’ve really got to polish up my next one for Volume 1 of The Sixth Gun and post it.
I will be reaching out to people if things take off and I keep an active hand in “community stewardship,” nice to know you’re interested.

Thanks for having enjoyed the review. I've also dabbled in single issue reviews but for me the whole question was 'what do they serve?', aside from being a race against the clock. It just doesn't feel right to me.

I don't think that single issue reviews push many sales, except whenever a new arc starts. But then the usual suspects have their pre-release reviw weeks ahead already and pump the hype machine accordingly.

Comics are an expensive hobby. How can I serve fans best with reviews was always my concern. Arcs, collections.

The challenge when reviewing a whole arc/chapter is in teasing just sufficiently but without giving anything away. Yet the tease must be strong since you don't review every fart relased either. It's interesting and highly enjoyable a challenge.

Email has ruined Letter Bombs! ( comic relief)

The #steemgigs tag is absolutely full of tag spam, too. It's getting ridiculous around here...

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