
Hey, @practicalthought. Thanks for the kind words. Wasn't feeling much like 'grief-ing' this evening. So, when I realized where this was going I thought another combination of tasks might be good, since I've been meaning to do another for comedyopenmic. My humor just doesn't seem to rise to the level, though, so I get a little picky about what I throw their way. And then I'm never sure if I even should bother. It's all very subjective. And in this case, you do have to like words. :)

Hey, hope all is well. Have missed seeing you post and am concerned.

Hey, @practicalthought.

Thanks for being concerned and checking in. I was kind of wondering if someone might.

I'm okay. Nothing major, like life threatening. Nor am I giving up on STEEM.

I've fallen into another funk (third or fourth since I started here), and this time it has to do with everything feeling repetitive and meaningless. Not a good combination for someone who's trying to pump out a bunch of comments and posts a week. :)

So, I've basically been out of it since Thursday (though I wasn't in it that much to begin with prior to that), taking an involuntary leave of absence. Next week my wife goes in for hernia surgery (outpatient, again, nothing major), so she will be off work for a few weeks. That will work out too (she has time off), but she's more worried about it (the time off, not the surgery), than she really needs to be.

I'm also not where I want to be after 7.5 months on STEEM (have yet to fine my niche and larger core of adoring fans :), which means some kind of strategy is in order that I haven't had much of energy or desire to figure out. Two many steps in the way, which bring up other steps when I go to solve them.

My wife really doesn't see the value here, and the fact that I haven't gotten any farther isn't helping, and regardless of whether or not I understand this is a longer game and try to explain it, she can't get past the present and the very immediate future. She wants me to find a job, which will severely hamper what I'm doing here, and the whole idea of trying to do that (searching, finding, interviewing, actually getting the job, then doing it), is frying my circuits even more.

I've been trying to stave all this off for months, and now it's kind of coming to a head.

Other than that, everything is great. :)

Actually, I believe things are fine and will continue to be fine, with patience and some faith. However, I'm more alone in this than I should be. We're far from destitute, we have insurance, she has paid leave, she's got short term disability as a back up, her procedure is non-evasive. Without being wealthy, we're in about as good a shape as we can be for this to all occur, and the rest (if she takes it) will actually do her some good.

On the flip side of that, it will probably mean my efforts here will be curtailed while she recuperates. Unless she's actually sleeping, she's probably going to want me doing things because Steemit isn't "doing anything."

Okay. I think that about covers it. Thanks for asking. :) I hope all is well with you, too.

Hey, I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly to let me know all is (sort of) well.

and this time it has to do with everything feeling repetitive and meaningless. Not a good combination for someone who's trying to pump out a bunch of comments and posts a week. :)

An observation on this. If your heart isn't into some of the things you are posting, you should stop posting it. I am unsure of what passions you hold that may correlate nicely into hot topics here but you should reassess anything you might be able to hook onto an area here that is rewarded. This way it won't seem repetitive as you enjoy it and will be spending more time with those who have the same passions. I know you already know this, but wanted to bring it up so you might rethink it in connection with your postings. It's cool that we connect with others on here, and even cooler if there is a strong shared interest. You used to run a paper if I remember correctly, as well as being a self published writer. Examine what the topics were that helped sell your paper/books and see if there might be a match there? This could get you into that niche you mentioned.

My wife really doesn't see the value here, and the fact that I haven't gotten any farther isn't helping, and regardless of whether or not I understand this is a longer game and try to explain it, she can't get past the present and the very immediate future. She wants me to find a job, which will severely hamper what I'm doing here, and the whole idea of trying to do that (searching, finding, interviewing, actually getting the job, then doing it), is frying my circuits even more.

I am almost laughing at the parallels in our lives right now. Mine does not see the benefits much either, and just started a crappy job that I already know will at most maybe be a year or two, hopefully less. I have even been considering getting back into publishing again so I can cut the time down on the crappy job, lol. If you find the niche you were mentioning it is possible you can duplicate what you are posting so much with much fewer posts. I do feel the pain though and yes, it sucks for now. Hopefully if we plod ahead and keep growing in small increments those small ones will be worth much more in the coming years. Then our women will be happy we did this as they compile their lists of things to be bought that will improve the families lives, lol.

On the flip side of that, it will probably mean my efforts here will be curtailed while she recuperates. Unless she's actually sleeping, she's probably going to want me doing things because Steemit isn't "doing anything."

I will be here when you have time to come around, albeit not as much either as I adjust my schedule too.

I hope all is well with you, too.

Have been having my tribulations as well, but just using patience as best as I can to ride my way through them. They always pass (so far) so trying not to allow myself to get hooked on the negative energy to much till this does too.

Hey, @practicalthought.

Thanks for the all the suggestions. They really are appreciated. It sounds like you weren't expecting me to get back to you so quickly. Funny thing is, I was out here in my office with everything up for work as normal—I just wasn't doing anything—so was alerted to the fact that you had commented. And since you were the first to inquire, I felt a speedy reply was in order. :)

re: subject matter

I agree that all of what you suggest would be great. I have been trying to do that. Unless I have some interest in what I'm posting, I typically can't even write it. There needs to be some kind of purpose to it, too. I'm primarily interested in getting my fiction writing up here, which I have, and will continue to do. I do need to come up with a different way of presenting it, though, because it doesn't generate nearly as much conversation as does some of the other topics I will talk about.

My mind did wander around the latter part of last week into ideas for stories, particularly one I've been working on for a while, but I kept running into walls with it, so didn't get very far.

As it is, however, the repetitiveness of the comments I referred to, and by extension but to a lesser degree the posts, was more of a systematic thing, I think. While the posts I write interest me, not all of the posts I read do to the same level, but if there's something I feel I can say, I will try to do it. The problem becomes when reading posts about similar topics, particularly the creative kind, there's only so many ways to say I like it and then try to pick out the parts that I found most meaningful that it just all kind of runs together.

I didn't think this was possible, but I also believe I've been hitting upper limits on how much I can write over a period of time, regardless of what I'm saying or what it's about. Especially if it turns out to be grinding them out for grinding's sake. I try to stay away from that as much as possible, but I think that may have also been a part of it.

So, I need to settle into my own groove, where I'm doing enough but not doing so much that I end up losing the point.

Not sure if that last part made sense, but basically, that's it.

re: parallels

It seems inevitable for those of us who are on Steemit, more or less in the same age range, between having some experience, having some success being our own boss or in some endeavor we enjoy, but for whatever reasons, being faced with the prospect at least, if not already taking the plunge, of returning to the world of 9 to 5. I wish you luck with the job and with whatever publishing you might get back into. And I thank you for coming and looking for me. :)

Yeah, I was thinking maybe you weren't logging in as much so wasn't sure how quickly I would hear back.

I'm primarily interested in getting my fiction writing up here, which I have, and will continue to do. I do need to come up with a different way of presenting it, though, because it doesn't generate nearly as much conversation as does some of the other topics I will talk about.

The problem I see with this is once you get several chapters in, as you are way past that, the less likely you are to gather new readers to the posts. So they will always be stuck at the initial level of interest, or worse, dwindling levels as people who were interested drop off of Steemit or they don't have as many votes to cast due to the downturn in value affecting the votes.

I didn't think this was possible, but I also believe I've been hitting upper limits on how much I can write over a period of time, regardless of what I'm saying or what it's about.

I totally get this, which was why I thought maybe you could spend some time poking around at some of the topics on here you haven't written about but are commanding lots of interest and votes. If you can find some like this perhaps you could earn as much or more for less work on your end of it. I know for myself (more due to my voting limitations) I at most post once every two days. Anything more than that and I can't upvote back above dust thresholds.

returning to the world of 9 to 5. I wish you luck with the job and with whatever publishing you might get back into.

Yeah, I must admit it blows after spending much of my life on my own schedule and not having to deal with others personality faults that have a semblance of authority over me. It gives me the drive to think about getting back into publishing just to end this phase quicker, lol.

And I thank you for coming and looking for me. :)

Of course, I missed seeing you in my feed and worried that maybe a health issue or frustration had taken you from here. I appreciate your quick reply so I wouldn't keep worrying. I hope that things resolve themselves quickly in a way that at least it is palatable for you.

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