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RE: I never quite did it did I? this is not safe for wankers. Or the touchy people.

Well, doesn't this blow. Now you gonna make me reveal I own the internet and you isn't going nowheres. I write it into the internet code you gots to stay and keep being my friend, no getting around it now. Plus, we still got to wait for me to get rich so you can sit at the beach with me while Robin Leech serves us drinks, so you can interpret his slang for me.

In all seriousness my friend, if you decide to stay out I wish you the best. Hoping though you may change your mind at some point and pop in, at least from time to time. Thank you for all the interesting articles you have posted. My life has been richer for them. Here is possibly my last upvote for you. Don't spend it all in one place, try to make the .03 last you awhile.


I shall make sure those 3 cents go back into the system, I never came for the money anyway, and I do have to go, as I do not like the culture, I love you like a brother though, that you can be assured, stay you bro, and if you look, you can find my email, if you wish.

Will definitely be keeping in touch my friend.

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