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RE: [Serious Humor] And... ¿Why do I bother with this? on Comedy Open Mic Round #20 (entry I)

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

Thank you @mineopoly for your extraordinarily well appreciated comment. It has been indeed a very thoughtful one according to the demanding parameters I expected. Cheers for that!! :)

After having been able to make your heart skip a beat. I know you got me & gets me in its full splendor. }:)

Thank you very much also for the great links provided and your comely upvote. ¡Molto Apprezzato!

You certainly can now pass go to collect $200 ..erm $0.02, through my superpowerfully weak upvote at 100% of my VP on this exclusive 'mineopoly' game of us putting up hotels on the light blue squares only. And I hope to see you around these dangerous slums of smoothly wisdom one more time soon.

Salud!! :)


Beautiful response. You know me well. A bigger vote is coming.

That video made me jump... damn you @mineopoly! HAHAHAHA... well.. I have to thank you because coffee was not kicking in properly ! ... and @por500bolos.. very very clever article .. enjoyed it.. have my 100% upvote.. it's worth a little something I guess.. :)

I followed each of the philosopher's statements and pow!!

Glad it was morning not night time. My philosophy class in college was nothing like this. Yes, thanks @por500bolos for a mind twisting post and thank you @pechichemena for not spilling your coffee. Hope you had a great day.

Hey ¡Watchout! @pechichemena. And always remember to stand 'unarmed of coffee' in front of your monitor when you visit my blog to read my ComedyOpenMic posts mate. Because later, ¡I won't be accountable! LoL

Thank you very much for your upvote and well appreciated comment. :)

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