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RE: The OFFICIAL @hanshotfirst SOLO Movie Prep Comedy CONTEST - Comedy Open Mic Week 14 Entry 1

In preparation for the movie, @hanshotfirst, will refuse to watch it. He won't watch it this weekend or any other weekend. He will indeed shoot anyone who dares to bring up spoilers before they are able to. His plans and thusly three fold.


The First Fold: Go to gym daily and eat healthily. get into such good shape that he is able to survive until the year 2100 in good condition, at which point they will bring out an immortal pill which he will commence to take with gusto. Even going so far as to have a secret stash of pills should they ever ban the magical pills.

Fold The Second: Live long enough that space travel and time travel become a real thing. Go to his local video store and steal a copy of the Solo movies (Solo, Han Solo, Han Solo Bla Bla, and the most infamous of them all Something Something Han Solo). With these copies in hand he will proceed to use superior age, percieved frailty and knownledge of the force (he became a cyborg in 2080 so he can now use the force), to steal and time machine and go back in time. A time long, long ago, to a galaxy, not unlike this one.

Third Fold, The: He will find his younger self, kidnap himself, take himeself to a dark alley and watch himself watch the movies as he remembers watching the movies as a kid and thus fueling his desire to call himself @hanshotfirst.

We all know the movies are always better when we're kids.

Should you decide this entry is worthy of a prize, please instead distribute it at random to another commentor


Ha. The funniest part of this was Fold The Second and Third Fold, The. Nice.

Cloning himself in the future to be able to watch the movie over and over at the same time could also be an option worth considering.

Could he also come back in time and tell us to get into crypto in 2011?

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