in #comedyopenmic6 years ago

Comedy Open Mic Week #28

What is a Mood exactly. He is in a mood. She is in a mood. Strange word.... makes me feel like a cow that has just had enough of being milked.

I've heard it said that our moods are often effected by the Moon.
I think i am having a Moon Mood.
I'm not really into all this un-provable hokey pokey. Yet i also don't want to be that guy who just denies and dismisses things.
The reality is ...sometimes i just find myself in an inexplicably bad mood.
Like today.
i dunno. i just woke up irritated. i had several ideas and plans for how i was going to spend my day. Then i was like fuck it and fuck that.
My brain just went into this nit picking phase of getting frustrated at everything.
Get out of my way, why did you say that, what is this crap. All things at there worst common denominator.
But Why?? What was changed?

Im not sure if there is always a reason.
Maybe the astrology hippies are correct and it is because my Pisces Moon is in aspect to Mercury and my Blue Crystal nature is ascending.
Anyway you look at it.... I was pissed and irritable for no apparent reason. What i needed was to scrap all plans and just go for a little hike. So thats what i did, i snagged the kids and we escaped as a family.

Its not even that my mood got better, but something shifts when the blood moves.
Dad might have been grumpy and not taking any shit.... but out in open space with fresh air and step after step leading to somewhere helps.


Plunging and laughing and stepping back from ones own grit, grizzle and funk brain is the way forward.


What other choice is there really. I mean the fuck faces will keep fucking face. The shit heads will keep head shitting. and me. I will keep occasionally waking up with......
the you, me and everybody else sucks Brain.

I nominate @spacetrucker and @neeqi


Hi buttcoins,

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I would like to draw your attention to the rule asking contestants to include "Comedy Open Mic Round #" in the title.
We are currently on round 28

Please update your title and we will pass your entry along to the judges for judgement*.

*Judges that pass judgement only judge as far as judgement is concerned.

But judges that pass various whatchamacallits judge everything. I see where you're going with this (I really don't see where you're going with this)

I know what affects the Mood.. The lack of a certain kind of Job.. :)

what are you blowing at exactly @abbak7

about what affects my moods...

I don't have enough of an attention span to pay attention to the moon phases and all that, but it seems like every time I completely lose it and say "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME LATELY" someone invariably tells me that it's a full moon or some weird phase of the moon/planetary alignment... who the hell knows?

I can certainly relate. As for moods, mine seem to be taking a ride on a rollercoaster lately. And by lately, I mean the last few years... or decades.

Great post!

yes my mood are a bit more like epochs too! thanks for popping over @byn appreciate the kind words!

Nice family walk ....

yes... it was needed!

It's good to see that you got a photo of that shady looking guy following you and your family around...

As the old chinese proverb goes "Man with orange hat always do runner in restaurant.."

oh i heard that proverb different. 'man in orange hat always do stalking kids in jungle mountain lake'

This is a typical example of how all my Mondays are

Moody Mondays!

If it happens every month about the same time I would be concerned.

oh no... you have cracked it. i am a women trapped in this dudes body, my moods are MANstrual.

Actually you cracked it, there have been studies done that say men have some type of "period" but no physical discharge. I don't know if the study is accurate or not or if it has been disproved as I remember reading it several years ago. So that might the next thought alarm theater, the whole Butt family on the rag at one time, including the dog if you have one.

I like how you just scrap all plans and spend a day out with the family. I wish I could do that when I'm in a mood or just run away by myself, haha.

sometimes you just gotta scrap it all...

You have very good photos, they are alive and convey a sense of presence there))

very kind to say that... thank you

That is a lovely family you have, and looks like a wonderful place for a hike! Nothing like fresh air to clear one's mood! Thanks for sharing this adventure with #steemitbloggers 😊

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