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RE: Dealing With Hecklers - Funny Ha Ha or Funny Peculiar

in #comedy8 years ago (edited)

I'm a little sad that you think I'm heckling you. Don't mean to come off that way.

Anyway, back to the sailing thing. When my I was sailing from California to Florida. One of the things I remember looking forward to was seeing the Southern Cross for the first time. As you know, the Southern Cross, like the North Star is often used for navigation. I didn't need to use it for that because I had a GPS. But still, it was something cool.
So yesterday I'm thinking about this and came up with a thought. Let me run it by you to see if I make sense or am missing something.
If a boat is sailing due south off the west coast of South America just after dusk, the Southern Cross would be a few degrees, (I can't remember exactly) off the bow. Now imagine another boat is sailing due south at exactly the same time. Only this boat is maybe 6 or 8 hours to the west. Meaning that it's still dark for them too. Now both boat should be able to see the Cross and the Cross should be in exactly the same position over them. But in a flat earth reality, wouldn't the boats, though both sailing due south, be in truth sailing different directions and wouldn't the heavens that are dead ahead be different? What am I missing here?
I hope that made sense.
And please don't feel that I'm heckling or making fun of this. I'm really not. I'm trying to understand what I thought I already understood.

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