Dealing With Hecklers - Funny Ha Ha or Funny Peculiar

in #comedy8 years ago (edited)

Excuse me All I am a little wrecked but its Saturday!
oo. Sunday. Reellaaaax I wont get too verbose.
Im off to bed but I still want to address this recent reply - I love a good heckler; )

The horizon is 14 miles away when you're standing on deck.
This depends on how high you are - like Leo and Kate, or like Johnny Depp ; )

and how high the deck is above water....

Some people wear lifts in their shoes.

I have heard the visible horizon over water is anywhere from 3 miles to 14 so who knows.
We all know men and "length".

When I was sailing a boat across the Atlantic. I remember approaching the Azores and seeing the clouds that marked the islands well before seeing the island. For what that's worth.
A thinking mind and recall is priceless
That is apparently how distance and perspective works. Things appear to be sinking over the curve of the ball horizon, when on the flat earth model they are just disappearing out of perspective, so when you use a zoom lense or binocs, you can bring something supposedly "over the curve" back into view.
Da Naaaa!

So to see the clouds above the islands before the islands come into view is possible because they are higher in your perspective.
Like if you were to look down a long straight road at streetlights, each successively further away light drops lower down towards the ground level, even though we know all the lights are at the same height. If there was clouds 5mls down the road above the road, you would be able to see the clouds but maybe not still the lights at 5ml very well as they would probably start to disappear out of our eyes perspective

This video has some great examples

I wonder if there are any clear photographs of Catalina island from the mainland through a high powered telescope.
Probably. Ive only watched about 50,000 vids theres new researchers adding experiments every day. Some of the vids are clearer than others but they all have something good, and, its not a psyop, theyre real people sussing out our environment, unravelling this unscientific deception
I am going to totally fuck up your Sunday amigo ; )
Here are some videos showing curvature that should be hidden according the the equation for curvature (the number of MILES (Squared) x 8inches.)

I think Spain to Algeria.

I would be forced to concede that I've been misled and misguided all my life.
Its not all beer and skittles

Theoretically, you should only be able to see part of the masts and sails.
See how addictive the FUN is!!!!
Just to think about this stuff, its better than christmas!

One other thing very quickly. And I'm not certain that it has any relevance at all. But if you spray a garden hose straight up in the air and focus on the droplets of water. They always form spheres as they reach the zenith of their trip. And when you blow a soap bubble or a bubble of air underwater. They tend to be rather spheroid. It just seems like some stuff just naturally wants to form spheres. Especially in the absence of gravity .
Are you suggesting the earth is fart shaped???

Last thing. I promise.
Thats what they all say ; )

If the sun is going around a center pole. Wouldn't it always be visible to some degree from anywhere on the plane?

Another good question! I was stuck on this for a while. It is perspective again explaining that the sun goes literally in a circle right over the centre of us - I know, right the audacity ; ) a light above shining 12 hours day, all for us ; ) and the moonshine (unique cool light- not a reflection of the sun) over the dark 12 hours in whatever stage of charge she is at.

I will fuck up if I talk too much so im going to post some vids which show models which are SO MUCH MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN ANYTHING YOU KINDA SOMEHOW DEEPLY REMEMBER AS POSSIBLY ONCE WAS TRUEISH.

Please dont feel obliged again to watch any of it, or to reply, in any time frame or at all.
You´re wearing me out!
I´m not trying to convert you, really.

Honestly.. . . (sigh: ), I just find it all so refreshing.
Im just posting things I have watched once or twenty times, that impressed me, that I cant find any, or too much fault with.
It takes time. In my first few months I was always thinking "no way this is fucking crazy, I must be crazy or just dumb to consider this is even possible" every 2 hours... now I have those cringe crises about once every week to ten days.
Self attacks receeding.
Maybe the "psyop" brainwashing is kicking in.
I dont mind if anyone wants, needs to stay with the status quo for now or forever.
What is truth?
What is lies?
What is important?
I want to tell everyone that it IS *important. so

I ask many I meet now, in their own time to take an open minded look. We always want to be on the right side of history, and to determine for ourselves, by our own conscience. Our whole lives are anchored on these foundations of knowledge. Be sure you have at least looked for yourself, and not just taken the word of the known liars

Anyway. Thanks again for all the information. I'll be busy checking it out
Like I said, gonna fuck your life up ; )
Happy October Steve


Thanks for all the links, I haven't seen most of them! I'll be having a fun Sunday that's for sure :) I appreciate your thirst for truth, and I love how you say it! You crack me up.

it is an interesting thought experiment but i have seen the moons of jupiter transit the earth facing side. i have seen the rings of saturn alter their angles. not on video, but with my own telescope. i have caught myself being lied to many times but i don't think this is one of those. hell, i almost died believing that a low fat diet was healthy. sometimes it is just entertainment, though. try looking up, "are nuclear weapons real?" it kept me entertained for a whole afternoon. it is weird that we are getting so much disinfo about disinfo. the Trivium method and the Quadrivium are still my gold standard. it takes some of the fun out but at least i get a functional, reproducible picture of the world.

I'm a little sad that you think I'm heckling you. Don't mean to come off that way.

Anyway, back to the sailing thing. When my I was sailing from California to Florida. One of the things I remember looking forward to was seeing the Southern Cross for the first time. As you know, the Southern Cross, like the North Star is often used for navigation. I didn't need to use it for that because I had a GPS. But still, it was something cool.
So yesterday I'm thinking about this and came up with a thought. Let me run it by you to see if I make sense or am missing something.
If a boat is sailing due south off the west coast of South America just after dusk, the Southern Cross would be a few degrees, (I can't remember exactly) off the bow. Now imagine another boat is sailing due south at exactly the same time. Only this boat is maybe 6 or 8 hours to the west. Meaning that it's still dark for them too. Now both boat should be able to see the Cross and the Cross should be in exactly the same position over them. But in a flat earth reality, wouldn't the boats, though both sailing due south, be in truth sailing different directions and wouldn't the heavens that are dead ahead be different? What am I missing here?
I hope that made sense.
And please don't feel that I'm heckling or making fun of this. I'm really not. I'm trying to understand what I thought I already understood.

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